"Ah, hi Adrien" Marinette saw him.

"What you doing?" Adrien took a seat with her.

"Just taking a break after a walk in this lovely place...I mean city" Marinette messed up her words.

"Me too. Until I saw you having tea at the cafe, I decided to join" Adrien said.

"Thank you," Marinette said.

Adrien placed his order while chatting with Marinette, "So, enjoying it so far?" Adrien asked.

"Being in Paris? Yes, I do. Cat Noir still comes to my balcony at night. It's like he needed a friend to talk to" Marinette drinks her tea.

"I guess he feels lonely," Adrien said.

"Yes, plus he addresses me as Princess" Marinette said.

"What a gentleman he is. You like bad boys?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah," Marinette blushed.

"What a surprise. Never knew you had it in you. You got great taste in big boys" Adrien chuckled and drinks the tea that the waiter gave him.

"Yeah, Cat Noir may be a thief but he's like a prince," Marinette said.

"Sounds like he's not that kind of thief to hurt innocents," Adrien said.

"Exactly" Marinette sips her tea.

A while later they took a walk in the park. Adrien wishes he can tell her he's that thief but he's afraid of how she'll think of him as.

"So Adrien, what do you do in your free time?" Marinette asked.

"Nothing much but admire the alley cats and my city," Adrien said.

"Hmmm, stray cats?" Marinette guessed.

"Yep. I provide them with food and water. Well, until Cat Noir arrives" Adrien said.

"He didn't harm you, did he? He hates to see anyone abuse the cats" Marinette said.

"Nope, he saw how I treated them nicely," Adrien said.

"Heh, it's like both of you love cats more than humans" Marinette chuckled.

"I do love nice people but cats are my spirit animal" Adrien showed his tattoo on his arm.

"Wow, it looks purrfect on you," Marinette said.

"Was that a pun I heard?" Adrien smirked.

"Yeah, the tattoo matches Cat Noir only more like a real cat," Marinette said.

"I got this in his honor," Adrien said.

"Does he know?" Marinette asked.

"Not quite yet. He's pretty much busy robbing banks and flirting with his Ladybug" Adrien replied.

"Oh, um, really?" Marinette almost blushed.

"Yeah. You know how cats can't resist being mischievous all the time whenever they do that to survive" Adrien said.

"Yeah, like chasing rats," Marinette said.

"And Cat Noir hunts bad guys like they are mice to eat," Adrien said.

"Mmmhmm. Hope they taste good for him" Marinette said.

"Heh, he never gets tired of kicking ass as his mice snack" Adrien chuckled.

"Yeah, of course," Marinette replied.

"Well, I gotta get back home, Marinette. If your cat comes on your balcony, tell him that he's lucky to have you" Adrien said.

"Okay, Adrien. Take care" Marinette headed home.


Much later, Marinette was in her room reading when he heard a knock on the trapdoor, "What a stray cat" She chuckled and goes to the trapdoor to let him in.

"Hello Princess" He greeted her and climbs inside.

"Bored of being a thief today?" Marinette asked.

"Yep. Just wanna be petted by my favorite puuuuurrrrrrson" Cat Noir sat next to her.

"You said you like to be wild and untamed, pussy cat" Marinette plays with his hair.

"Except with you" Cat Noir closed his eyes.

"I knew it" Marinette pets him some more.

"Puuuuuuurrrrrrr" He purred and nuzzled her hand, lying down on her lap, wanting to cuddle.

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty" Marinette pets his ears.

"Meow" He meowed and cuddled her, "I have this emotional need, puuuuurrrrrrrincess"

"Aww....what emotional need is that?" Marinette asked.

"Getting attention from my Princess" Cat Noir said.

"Are you trying to be cute again?" Marinette dings his cat bell.

"Of course" Cat Noir purred.

Marinette smiled and kissed his cheek.

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