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At the airport, a beautiful Asian woman arrived in Paris to start a new life as a fashion designer while her parents start opening a bakery shop of their own. Her name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng, she was half-French and half-Chinese.

"This is gonna be a new exciting start of our lives," Marinette said.

Staring at the wanted poster of an outlaw Cat Noir, "Wow, he must be one handsome bad boy" Marinette admired his looks.

"Sweetie, he's a thief. Rumors say he's very dangerous" Her mom said.

"Sorry. But it seems his looks can kill" Marinette joked.

"And let's hope he doesn't steal your famous fashion designs," Her father said.

"He won't. If he does, I'll put him in the bag" Marinette said.

"Very funny, dear. Now let's go to the bakery before that cat shows up" Her mother said.

"Okay Mama," Marinette said while they go to get their luggage.

Cat Noir was observing the city of love at the left tower of Notre Dame. Despite that, he can't stand pigeons flying everywhere due to his allergies.

"What a beautiful sight" He looks around.

"Meow" Plagg agreed with him.

"Yeah, buddy. Seems too peaceful today" Cat Noir said.

"Meow" Plagg meowed.

"Come on, there are always criminals stealing at day time," Cat Noir said.

"Meow" Plagg meowed again.

He snuck down through the tower to get to lower levels before taking one huge leap over to the apartment nearby with Plagg in his arms. He soon ran on the rooftops with Plagg after him and would pick him up when he goes to the next roof.

"Enjoying this, Plagg?" He asked him while running.

"Meow!" Plagg meowed.

"I thought so" He kept running.

But as he was about to pass the bakery, he sees someone beautiful which made him crash into the chimney wall, "Urgh!" He pulled off the chimney and saw Marinette walk out of the bakery.

"Whoa" He was mesmerized, "She's pretty as a princess" Adrien saw her going to the park.

"Meow?" Plagg can see that his master looks distracted.

"I gotta get closer to her," Cat Noir said and quietly jumps down to the trees to hide and sees what she's doing. He saw her sketching fashion designs in her sketchbook along with the wanted poster of him for inspiration.

"Hmmm, perhaps as a mix of cat and man," Marinette drew him as a cat hybrid.

Cat Noir saw her drawing without her noticing. The designs about himself inspired her to get details of a black cat.

"I wish I could meet him if he wasn't a wanted thief," Marinette said and she then added the whiskers on her drawing, "Nah, too much like a mustache" She erased them.

"Meow!" Plagg meowed to get her attention.

"No! No!" Cat Noir yell-whispered but Plagg jumps off the tree.

"Aw hello there" Marinette saw Plagg walk up to her, "Here kitty kitty" She petted him.

"Meow" Plagg sniffs her.

"So cute" Marinette scratched his chin.

"Hmm?" Cat Noir can see that she loves animals.

"So where's your owner?" Marinette looks around.

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