you: babe
you: i forgot my keys, i'm stayinf at mei's fpr tje nightr

sam<3: Are you drunk?

you: npt yet hahahsha
you: jyst wanyed to warn u

sam<3: I can drive there if you give me the address, I don't mind

you: no! it's 1am! why are u evrn awske rn??????
you: it woukd take u like hslf an hour to get here

sam<3: You know I never go to sleep at normal times
sam<3: And I sensed you might have needed me at some point

you: were u worried aboit me? that's romantic
you: but really, im good u don't need to cpme

sam<3: Okay, but just know I wouldn't mind
sam<3: I'm not gonna be sleeping peacefully knowing you're drunk anyway

you: i'm not drunk!!!!!!!! just tipsy
you: if coming here will make u feel beter i csn text u the address, i woudlnt mind not javing to oay a taxi
you: can mei come alomg

sam<3: Sure
sam<3: Be there in an hour?
sam<3: I have a feeling seeing you is gonna be fun

you: what

sam<3: Nothing baby
sam<3: See you later then

you: yes
you: thanj u
you: i love u so so soo mucj. i rsally do

I put my phone in my shorts' back pocket so as not to risk losing it again, not thinking about the fact that my clothes were all still wet from the pool in the moment, and started to look for my friends, wondering where they were.

Maya did agree on needing a drink, so I thought she'd probably be in the kitchen. I didn't find her at first, though.

"Want me to pour you one?" some blonde girl next to me asked, nodding towards the bottle in her hand.

"Sure, thanks" I smiled, handing her my cup.

"No problem" she smiled back. "Wanna dance?"

Before I could even reply I heard Maya's voice coming from behind me.

"She's taken" she said, walking next to me.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to-" the girl mumbled, visibly embarrassed as she walked away.

"Maya!" I glared at her.

"What? That's the truth"

"I know, but you made it seem as if we're together"

"At least she went away"

"I don't know why people keep approaching me like that today" I gulped down half of my drink.

"Probably 'cause you look hot, Ellie. Hope that helps" she shrugged, also drinking most of the content of her cup.

"Stop" I giggled, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Just accept the compliment" she chuckled. "We need to find Sarah and Mei soon, people are gonna start leaving in a while"

That last half an hour was also kind of a blur, I only remembered lots of loud music and dancing and feeling a little too lightheaded, but not really caring. It felt so liberating to just think about having fun in that moment and nothing else.

By the time we walked to the front garden, groups of people were starting to leave, as Maya predicted. The temperature had definitely dropped, and the fact that both the few clothes I was wearing and my hair were still damp didn't help.

Bitter (wlw) (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now