Music and Mishaps! (July 23, 2023)

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Hi everyone! Welcome to another chapter of Venting to Ya'll! The book where I share real life experiences with you all! I hope you enjoy this chapter! <3

Warning, this chapter is a LOT longer than the other ones!

    So, a few weeks ago, my mom told me and my sister that she'd signed us both up for a week-long musical camp. It was a basically a camp where we'd learn to play the drums, piano, and guitar! Not super well, but we'd have the basics down. And we would even get the chance to decide if we wanted to commit to playing those instruments.

     After hearing those news, I was ecstatic! I didn't really have much instrumental experience. I'd used to play the ukulele a bit when I was around 7 year old. But that was it. And I was super excited to learn more! 

     What I was REALLY for excited for was piano. I'd been wanting to learn how to play it for a long time. One of my best friends irl is a really talented pianist, it I found it fascinating how she could move her fingers to play such amazing tunes.

     Me and my sister started to count down the days, and officially came. 

      Yesterday was our first day, and it was SO FUN!!! Piano was the first class, and I picked up in the chords pretty quickly. By the end of the 2 hour class, I could play a whole song. My piano teacher even said that I was a natural at the piano, and that I should consider playing it as a hobby! 

      And yes, I was SUPER excited after hearing that.

      But actually...that's not even the reason why  I wrote this chapter of Venting to Ya'll. The reason why I wrote this was because of something that happened today. And it was alllll because of a new girl in class.

      Brielle Davidson, the new girl in class, showed up on the second day. She was wearing clothes that looked really expensive, and her hair was done in a delicate bun. Her name tag said that she was 8 years old, just like my little sister. And the moment she caught my sister's eye, I could tell that they were going to be friends.

      It was during Piano class, and me and my sister were trying to learn another song when Brielle strutted over to our table. 

      She looked right at my sister.

      "Hey," she said, "Do you, like...wanna be friends?" 

      My sister eagerly nodded, and I felt so happy for her. My poor little sis barely had any friends. And I was glad that she'd made another one so quickly.

      But Brielle turned out to be SUCH a PAIN. 

      During piano class, she just couldn't seem to get the chords down. And since I was the best student in the beginner class, I was asked to help. 

      But EVERY single time I'd correct Brielle's finger placement, or try to help her play a key correctly, she'd just glare and ignore me. Once, after about my 5th time correcting her, she got so mad that she hit me in the stomach. Out of surprise, I fell out of my chair. 

      "OW!!!" I yelped. 

      My teacher came over. "Are you alright?" She asked. "What happened?"

      Oh no, I hadn't meant to draw attention to myself. But now he whole room was looking at me. I wanted to tell the teacher what Brielle did. But she was my sister's new friend, and I didn't want to ruin anything by telling on her. 

       So I shot my own glare at Brielle before saying "Nothing miss. I...accidentally fell out of my chair. I guess I was leaning too far."

     After assuring my teacher that I was okay again, she nodded and walked back to her own piano. 

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