Future (SI)

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We were just laying together in my bed, the tv on but nobody's really watching it. We are enjoying each others presence instead.

"Adam.." I say his name out loud, and he 'mhms' softly beside me. "What do you think the future holds for us?"

"Mmmmm." He takes a minute, "we'll be happy together and die old." He wraps his arms around me tighter and snuggles in closer. I laugh at him which makes him chuckle and let's go a little. I turn to lay on my side and he does the same, and we face eachother.

"No but seriously. Do you ever think about it?" I ask, and I study his face.

"Only all the time." He responds, which makes my cheeks go hot. I lay back down and he grabs my hand and sort of plays with it while he talks.  "First, we both go to college, you for psychology and me for business and hockey. I'll go to the NHL and after a few years I'll propose, then you can be an NHL wife. We'll have a small wedding, but go all over the world for our honey moon. We'd have a house in the countryside, 2 stories with a wrap around porch and a porch swing that you can lay and read in. An amazing kitchen with a farm type low sink, an island as well with stools and a breakfast nook in the corner, a walk in pantry with all our favourite snacks. Plenty of bedrooms for guests and our kids. 2 older boys and a younger girl, who will play any sport they want or no sport if they want, we won't force them to anything. Our bedroom will have a walk-in closet with you taking up most of the space but I won't mind. And ensuite with a big tub by a window to sit in watch the stars or sunset or rain." He rambles on, and every little bit he says fills my stomach with butterflies.

"Keep going." I whisper and I hear him softly chuckle.

"Guy and Connie will come over for Friday supper or game night with their kids, and we will all still be friends. We will host a Duck supper every so often, inviting everybody. We will also have 2 dogs, golden retrievers, named Duck and Goose, and the kids will love them and they will love the kids. We'll go on family holidays all the time and we will love each other endlessly, that part is all that matters."

"I like the sound of all that, except one thing." I say and I look up at him, a puzzled look on his face. "We have 3 dogs, not 2."

"Whatever you want baby, as long as you are their mom, I'm happy."


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