Drunk Words Are Sober Thoughts

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Warnings: alcohol, underage drinking and partying


I never used to like studying. But as I got older, and my grades mattered more, I grew to like it. I'd put on my headphones and I'd be transported into a new world.

Others were always jealous of my grades, and I always told them it was because I studied. They never believed me but that was on them. I found a few people that liked studying as much as I did and we made a studying group. That's where I met Ken, Adam and Connie. We would study together, and sometimes we would all just hang out. Me and Adam grew close but nothing ever happened, and I didn't think anything would.

I heard there was a party going on, but I wanted to stay in the dorm. Kassie, my roommate, was gone so I had it all to myself for once. I cleaned, made a bowl of noodles and watched some Netflix while I ate. I set the bowl on my side table and grabbed my books to do some organizing and studying. It was nearing 1 in the morning, on Saturday. I had organized the papers I had gotten from classes during the week and put them into the right parts of my binder. I wasn't even 10 minutes into studying before my phone rings beside me. I look over and pick it up.

:Adam Banks:
Accept. Decline.

I swipe accept and out the phone up to my ear, to be met with very loud music.

"Adam?" I speak but I seriously doubt anybody would hear me on the end. "Adam, are you there?"

After a few seconds of silence, a voice speaks.

"Y/n!! Hiiiiii." A very drunk Adam slurs into the phone.

"Hi Adam, do you need something?" I ask, on the edge of my bed already looking for a pair of sweats.

"No no no...... yeah" he laughs and I can hear him stumble into something, "can you come pick me up? Pretty pleaseeeee." By now, I have my keys in my hand already.

"Okay Adam, I'm coming to get you, can you wait outside for me?" I ask as I hurry down the stairs.

"Yes, anything for you." He slurs again. I almost stop right there after he says that, but I remind myself, he's drunk.

"Do you want me to stay on the pho-" is all I manage to get out before he hangs up. I get into my car and and pull out of the student parking and make my way to where the party was. The drive is almost 10 minutes so I make sure that I have some music playing to pass the time.

I sing some lyrics of the song that was playing at the top of my lungs as I pull onto the street and park a few houses down from where the party was, because the street was packed. I leave the car running because I didn't plan on being long. I walk up to the house and I see Adam sitting on the front step.

"Adammm." I say in a singsongy voice, trying not to startle him as I get closer. His head picks up and a smile grows on his face as his eyes meet me.

"Y/n!" He says and he almost falls over as he tries to get up. I get him standing and he wraps his arms around me.

"Come on Adam, let's get to my car." I try to coax him there in a sweet voice. We get to the car and I open up the door for him.

"You're pretty." He says, sheepishly and smiles.

"Thank you." I say, trying to remind myself that he's drunk but blush still manages to creep into my cheeks. I shut the door and walk around the car. I get into the drivers seat and start the car.

"You're so pretty." Adam lifts his hand and sort of caresses my chin before flopping it back down. I just laugh at him. "Has anybody ever told you that? Because, because, they really should, you should hear it everyday, I'll tell you."

Adam goes quiet for a few seconds, then continues.
"I've always thought you were pretty. I've always liked you. Ever since we first met, no actually before that. In the hallways, where I first saw you. I always thought you were pretty." He says all of this, his hand caressing mine. 'He's drunk, y/n, everything he's saying is just the booze talking.' I try to remind myself, but his hand, his fingers drawing circles on my hand and up my arm, is clouding my mind.

I pull into his buildings parking lot and struggle to get him out. I'm relieved that his dorm is on the first floor because there is no way I'd be able to get him up the stairs. I open his door and he stumbles to his bed. I grab him a water bottle and set it on his table.

"Okay Adam I'll see you tomorrow." I say but before I can take a step, his hand grabs mine and pulls me back.

"Will you stay? Please, just for a little bit." He asks, his eyes closed but something in me knew that he was looking into my eyes. I sit on the edge of his bed, his hand still in mine. With my other hand, I start playing with his hair, to calm him and maybe put him to sleep faster so I can go. "Thank you for picking me up tonight y/n."

"You're welcome Adam, but you aren't gonna remember a single thing tomorrow aren't ya?" I ask with a smirk on my face.

"Nuh uh." He replies and I chuckle. It only take about 5 minutes before he's out and I leave. The whole way back to my dorm, all I could think about was what he was saying, 'Could he have meant it?' I get back to the dorm and as soon as I hit my bed, I'm out.

I sort of dreaded the thought of hanging out with the study group, especially with Adam being there but I already told them I would so there's no backing out of it now.

I reach the little coffee shop where we meet sometimes and see everybody's there. I quickly order and sit with the group.

"We we're beginning to think you ditched us y/n." Thomas remarks and I laugh.

"No, I would never do that!" I reply in a very sarcastic tone to which everybody laughs at.

We study and talk for at least 2 hours before people start leaving. Everyone gets up, says their goodbyes and leaves, leaving only me and Adam at the coffee shop alone.

"I wanted to thank you for last night. I apparently called you for a ride?"

"Yeah you did, it was no problem. But you did say a lot of stuff on the ride home." I smile and start packing my own stuff into my bag. He starts doing the same, and we get up and walk out of the coffee shop.

"What? What did I say?" He asks, intrigued, "Am I going to be embarrassed?"

"I mean I don't know. When I got you back to my car, you called me pretty. Then you did it over and over again. Then you confessed your love to me." I say with a smirk, and he puts his head down and laughs. "Then when I got you to your dorm, you made me stay with you till you fell asleep."

"Wow, I'm so sorry." He says through his tiny bursts of laughter.

"No, it's fine, you were drunk, I knew you didn't mean any of it anyway, but I did thank you for calling me pretty." I tell him.

"Well. You know what they say y/n, drunk words are sober thoughts." Adam replies, and in that moment, with our eyes locked, I knew he was serious, even if he was trying to be sarcastic. The look we both gave each other answered the mutual question we had about the other one.
'Sometimes drunk words are actually sober thoughts. Thank you Drunk Adam.'


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