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Warnings: hospital talk, car accident, blood and other medical things, stress and anxiety
Dual POV


We pull up to a red light, and Claire turns and looks at me.

"Y/n." Claire asks. "how do you know that Adam is the guy you want to marry, to spend the rest of your life with?"

"He's my bestfriend." I answer quickly, then I elaborate.

"He has always been my bestfriend, he has always been there for me. It didn't matter whether I was sick, or he was away at a game of his and I was at college. He FaceTimed before and after the game. He texted every morning, and been on days where he was busy, he never once let me think he was ignoring me. He always told me that he was busy and that he would text later and that's all I wanted. Not everything will be sunshine and rainbow in your relationship, it will rain, but it's the fact of whether you get mad at the rain and don't stick around to see the rainbow, or you go and dance in the rain and see the rainbow afterward."

The light turns green so I start going. I go to start talking again when Claire yells. I look to my left just in time to see the car coming at us.

Adam POV

I finish one of my reps in the gym when my phone starts ringing. I look at my trainer and then grab my phone. I look at the caller ID. 'Claire'. I click accept.

"Hey Claire, wha-" she cuts me off.

"Adam something happened to y/n." My stomach drops and I feel like I'm going to be sick. I sit down on the bench. Claire's voice is scared, and hoarse, like she's been crying.

"Claire, what do you mean? What happened?" I try to stay calm but my voice breaks.

"We were in an accident, a drunk driver ran a red light. She took the brunt of it. They are rushing her to the hospital." Tears swell in my eyes.

"What one?" I say and I grab my bag and start putting my stuff into it.

"Saint Andrews Hospital. But Adam, you have the biggest game of your life tonight."

"Claire, I will have no life if I lose her." I hang up and look at my trainer. He takes one look at the distressed look on my face and knows immediately that there's no way I'm staying. He just nods and tells me to go. I run out the training centre and get into my car. I put the hospital into my GPS, and pull out of the parking lot.

I rush into the hospital and to the front desk.

"I'm looking for a patient. She would've just been brought in, car accident, Y/n y/l/n." The nurse types into the computer.

"Adam!" I turn around to see Claire. She comes over and I hug her. The nurse looks up from the computer.

"She was just taken into surgery. What's your relation to the patient?" The nurse asks.

"I'm her fiancé."

"Here. I'll have somebody take you to the waiting room, and we'll give you updates as we get them, okay?" I nod and I can feel the tears in my eyes still. A nurse walks around the corner and leads me to the waiting room. Claire comes with me to wait. I sit down and I put my head in my hands. I let the tears fall. I can't bottle them up anymore.

After a few minutes, I notice it's only me and Claire in the waiting room. I stand up and pace the room, rubbing my sleeves on my eyes. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror that hangs on the wall. My eyes red and bloodshot, puffed out. My cheeks tear stained. I make myself look away and start pacing again, playing with my ring.

"I'm sorry." Claire croaks out, just loud enough that I hear her speak.


"I'm sorry. I know the other driver was drunk and ran a red light, but I distracted her." She plays with her fingers. And I walk over and sit in the seat next to her.

"It wasn't your fault. The other idiot was drunk." I whisper.

"I know, but I distracted her." She looks up and over at me, with tears in her eyes. "I asked how she knew she wanted to spend her life with you, and she was answering me when it happened." My heart breaks a little.

"It wasn't your fault Claire, and y/n will tell you the same thing when she's out of surgery and awake." I put my hand on her back and pat reassuringly. I change my attention to the tv, it's on the sports channel. Streaming the game that would've changed my life.

"Player #99, Adam Banks, is not playing tonight." The one announcer speaks, "he's being replaced by Aiden Flodditt. Here's the team coach with more information." It cuts to Coach Landon, in his team apparel.

"Yes Adam Banks is not playing with us tonight. Earlier today, there was a family emergency and he needed to be there instead. Aiden is great player, and this will be his time to shine and-" I tune it out, I don't need to hear all about Aiden.

"Mr. Banks?" A nurse calls out and I whip my head up. I look around and see the waiting room has a few more people in it. I stand up.

"Yes that's me. Is there an update?" I ask, walking towards the nurse.

"Everything went well, she's in the ICU, I can take you to her now if you want, or you can wait till she wakes up."

"Take me to her now please."

The minutes it took for the nurse to take me to her seemed like hours. She leads me into the ICU and down a hallway.

"Before we go in there, she's bruised and banged up pretty good. The surgery went well, and she could probably moved to a normal room tomorrow. She might not wake up for abit, and she'll be a little sedated." She explains and I nod showing her that I'm listening and I understand. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." She walks a little further and pushes open a slide door. I look in to see her sleeping in the bed. I walk in and over to her and study everything that the idiot did to her. Bruises are formed all over her face and neck, and there's glass cuts all over the face as well. I pull the chair closer to the bed, and grab her hand. I don't take my eyes off her.

I feel a movement under my hand and it instantly jolts me awake. I look up to see her looking at me.

"Hi." She whispers and smiles. A rush of joy and relief washes over me.

"You're awake." I get up and walk to the door to find a nurse. I find the same one who brought me up here still in the hallway, and she comes in to check on her.

The doctor comes by a little while later to explain everything to her, and check her incision. When the doctor leaves, I sit back down in the chair, tears welling up in my eyes again.

"Hey." Y/n lifts my head up and I rest it in her hand. "Don't cry."

"I almost lost you." I reply, and she wipes away a tear that fell with her thumb.

"I know, but you didn't." She smiles which makes me smile too. "You won't lose me."

"Promise?" I pull my hand out of my pocket and stick my pinky up, which makes her giggle.

"I promise." She wraps her pinky around mine and it's sealed.

" She wraps her pinky around mine and it's sealed

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