♱ War ♱

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The cool breeze of the dark night hit my face as Me, Jaesen, and Abigail went to a party this party was the biggest one of the year celebrities were going to be there two specifically the kaulitz twins me and Abigail had no problem with them but somehow they always made up a reason to hate us they went to the same school as us from elementary to middle to high school.

As we got close to the party we could hear the loud music playing and the more you got close you could smell a shit ton of weed. Loads of people were there about more than 500 people as we got inside the music was louder than before.

"Yo Y/n let's have some drinks" jaesen said going to the bar with Abigail following I was never really a drinker but I did have one once in a while.

I caught up with both of them "Abigail don't drink too much this time please" I asked her "Y/n don't worry I won't that's why jaesen is here to stop me from having too many" she said taking her first shot "you and jaesen are both alcoholics how am I supposed to trust him " I slapped my hand on my forehead "trust me man I've stopped and y/n have some fun please " he said smiling

I grabbed the shot glass that was filled with vodka. The party lights were blasting everywhere the music made the floor shake we all sat there for a bit taking shot by shot we didn't realized how many we had taken we all ended up drunk.

Abigail saw a cute girl and started dancing with her grinding on her and shit. Me and jaesen stayed and kept drinking shots "man your sister is bold" jaesen said laughing looking over at Abigail who was now hardcore making out with the girl she was dancing with "yea well she got it from me" I pointed to myself giving him a weird wonky smile "you can't lie for shit" jaesen said still laughing his ass off I just nudged him with my shoulder rolling my eyes.

After a couple of minutes Jaesen got up and left me all alone without saying a word I soon started looking around trying to find the twins I looked around a bit more until I saw them "JACKPOT" I shouted I was too drunk to even care about the people around me giving me weird stares. I stared at bill I always found him attractive his smoky eyeshadow went well with his eyes his black hair with blonde tips looked amazing on him his clothes and aesthetic suited him well.

I sat there for a bit more until Like a G6 started playing I got up and danced on the dance floor swaying my hips and dancing on every beat I soon saw a cute guy and went over to him "Heyy" I said giggling a bit "hey" the guy said still dancing "wanna dance" I said with a slight flirtatious tone he just nodded his head before going behind me and grabbing my hips moving them to every beat I was basically moving my ass close to his dick at this point.

Jaesen's pov
I came back to the bar expecting y/n to be there I saw no sign of him I looked in the crowd of sweaty people until I spotted his gay ass grinding on the straightest guy I've ever seen "oh man this motherfucker made a straight guy gay" I started walking over to him pushing my way through the crowd of sweaty people "y/n" I yelled "get your gay ass over here bru" I grabbed his arm taking him back to the bar "Jaesennn I was having some friction with that guy" he put his head down starting to fake cry trying to make me feel bad "y/n shut the fuck up you gotta be outta your mind that man is the straightest man I've ever seen" I pointed at the guy.

Y/n's pov
I looked over at the guy I was just with "oh shit you're right he is straight" I looked unamused. Abigail soon joined us bringing the girl over "heyhey guys what are you doing" she giggled a bit before grabbing another shot "nothing much in just telling y/n not to grind on straight guys" he glared at me "it's not my fault" I said shrugging my shoulders.

Abigail just laughed and left me and jaesen sat there kind of awkwardly "aye bro don't make it obvious but Bill kaulitz is staring at you" he said breaking the awkward silence "what" my eyes widened and of course my dramatic ass slowly moved my head to look at bill.

I slowly moved my head back to jaesen "what the fuck that's actually creepy imma go up there" I said while getting up and walking away not letting jaesen say anything.

I ran up the stairs where bill was at pushing everyone out the way he turned to look at me "what the fuck do you want" I was annoyed by the fact that I didn't even do or say anything to him so I mocked him "watch what you say bitch" he was mad I could tell his veins where popping out so I kept mocking him I found it funny.

This kept going for a bit until Tom came Tom genuinely scared me a bit so I shut my drunk ass up "you're bold y/n watch what you say we could easily tear you down" Tom said glaring at me I stood there for a bit "boring lame" I laughed a little I enjoyed pissing them off.

Bill and Tom just glared at me. And before I knew it Tom grabbed me by my collar "YOURE GOING TO REGRET EVEN SAYING ANYTHING" he yelled at me it startled me I looked back at Jaesen with a scared look on my face he was seeing everything that was happening. He ran upstairs "YO YO YO CALM DOWN Y/N DIDNT MEAN IT HES CLEARLY DRUNK" he yelled back at Tom he had some balls to yell at him he let go of my collar pushing me on the floor "this isn't over y/n it's war" he said walking away with bill.

Jaesen helped me up before yelling at me "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU FUCKING DUMB ASS BITCH" he smacked my head while walking to the bar again "don't do it again im going to get Abigail just stay here don't move" he walked away. I sat there like an idiot obviously i drank a few more shots.

We had left the party at around 2:13 am stumbling all over each other laughing loud we were drunk we didn't care what people thought about us we were having fun and shit.

Once we got home Jaesen fell asleep on the couch and Abigail went up to her room and i went to my room as well i questioned what Tom said "it's war" kept repeating in my head.

A/n: Im sorry for any spelling mistakes please ignore that it's 2 am 🙏 and idk if the photos for the characters in the first part are showing just tell me if it isn't and I'll try to fix it :p

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