Ten: Captured

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A/N: Trigger Warning: PTSD flashbacks and mentions of Domestic Violence


Alexis now carried a thin scar over her right eyebrow and above her upper lip. The bar was closed for a week while Alexis took the much-needed and incredibly deserved time to rest and recuperate from the attack, and she and Bucky cleaned the bar up. He'd stayed with her every night since the attack, to the point where they had gone to buy him clothes to keep at her apartment and toiletries since he was staying over more often.

She was still getting used to calling him by the nickname he preferred.

"Bucky," Alexis called to him, trying to contain her giggles. She pulled her hair into a high ponytail, checking him out as he bent slightly over the sink.

"Hmm?" He turned to her, still brushing his teeth.

She smiled wide, muttering a quick 'nothing' as he went back to getting ready for the day. Alexis slithered her way into dark-colored skinny jeans and a loose-fit t-shirt in a dusty rose color. Grabbing the small handheld mirror from the top of her dresser, she sat on her bed to do her makeup, consisting of concealer, blush, mascara, and a pink lip gloss.

Bucky came back from the bathroom, pulling down his shirt before planting a kiss on the top of Alexis's head.

"You're in a chipper mood this morning," Alexis cooed as she pulled Bucky onto the bed with her.

"I believe the word you're looking for is happy," Bucky quipped.

'We'll see how long it lasts...' The Winter Soldier mumbled in Bucky's head.

It was a voice that had been dormant since Bucky started staying over at Alexis's apartment the last few days.

A pleasant silence.

'No one asked for your opinion.'

'You did,' The Winter Soldier sneered. 'You just didn't know it yet.'

'She loves me.'

'She lies.'

"Bucky," the fear in Alexis's voice matched the terror in her eyes as Bucky looked into the piercing emerald orbs around her irises. The metal arm was close to her neck, hovering menacingly over her throat.

Bucky leaped off the mattress, recoiling to the opposite side of the apartment, staring at his hands in horror. The simple sound of his name quickly destroyed the brief moment of seamless bliss muttered so softly by the angel who had eased his nightmares.

"I'm so sorry," his voice cracked as her eyes blazed into his soul, burning into his memory the way they glimmered in fear. "Alexis, I-I'm so sorry..."

She hadn't moved from the bed, whether it was a subconscious choice or her body simply refused to budge. She had propped herself up on her shoulders, watching Bucky with laser focus as he mumbled to himself, apologizing over and over again. What she didn't understand was....

He hadn't done anything wrong.

Bucky sunk down to his knees, his back sliding down the wall as he buried his face into his hands. His body shook as his torment racked through his body; all he could feel was guilt.

"Bucky," Alexis was standing before him.

The sound of his name escaped her lips in a desperate attempt to get him to look at her.

"Uită-te la mine."

His head snapped up, having no choice but to do as she asked and look at her; his stormy eyes glistened as they were met with the sweet forest encased around her irises. She soothed him with her hands holding his cheeks like they were the moon and stars, her voice soft yet firm.

I Don't Want To Go [A Bucky Barnes Story]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum