Two: Wanting

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The Summer felt never-ending, but it didn't stop Alexis from being open, even if it meant not being out to enjoy the sunshine or the summer solstice festival going on down in the square. It was hot out, so Alexis opted for a pair of shorts that barely covered her entire butt and a baggy baby pink t-shirt with the front tucked in, and her white low-top converse. Her hair was up in two space buns clipped up with pearl bobby pins. Her bangs were side swept, and she had a few loose strands hanging in front of her ears. Usually, she'd wear leggings, but the heat had gotten to her, and there was no avoiding it.

However, she was perfectly content sitting at the bar, in the A/C, reading one of her trashy romance novels at the bar and waiting for the crowd to come in. It was nearly 2 in the afternoon, and not even Denis had shown up yet, which was almost worrisome.

I guess everyone was out enjoying the festivities today.

She shrugged it off, sipping on the whiskey soda she was nursing as she continued on to the next chapter of her book.

"Oh Katherine, can't you tell that Drew is in love with you?" She asked aloud to the characters in her book.

"What are you doing?" James's voice startled her out of her fictional world, seeing him propped up at the bar, staring at her.

"Oh! Hey," She gasped, putting the book down. "I didn't hear you come in."

She smiled at him, seeing him in his signature Henley shirt, though today he wore his black one paired with his leather jacket and dark jeans and boots. She was sure at this point he only had one outfit with interchangeable colored Henley's. She wasn't shocked about the backpack and gloves, however. At this point, she was used to it. The only thing missing from his ensemble was his baseball cap.

"I walk lightly," he quipped.

"With such heavy boots?" She laughed. "Not a chance. You're a giant! There's no way you just walk lightly."

"Then you must have just been distracted by..." James picked the book up from the counter. "Tangled by Emma Chase?"

"It's a good book!" She said defensively.

"I'll take your word for it."

"Do you like to read?" She asked.

"I do," he took a seat next to her as she leaned over the bar to grab a bottle of whiskey for them to share.

"What was the last book you read?" She asked, pouring him a glass.

"The Hobbit," he answered, taking a sip of his drink.

"Oh, you're one of those," she laughed.

"What?" He smiled, clearly confused.

"You're a tocilar," she giggled.

"What's that?"

"A nerd," Alexis giggled again. "You read fantasy and sci-fi stuff. I bet you like Star Wars, too. It's okay, I get it. Some of that stuff is pretty cool."

"What's Star Wars?" James asked.



Alexis's eyes bugged out, and her jaw dropped in disbelief.

"James! You've never heard of Star Wars?!" She was in complete shock. "Have you been living under a rock for the last forty years? Do you not own a TV? Do you enjoy depriving yourself of the world's greatest gifts?"

'Some people enjoyed depriving me of a good life,' James thought to himself. 'Does being kept locked in a basement count?'

James's cheeks turned bright red, biting his lower lip as he avoided her gaze. But he never answered her questions aloud.

I Don't Want To Go [A Bucky Barnes Story]Where stories live. Discover now