Nine: Lovers

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The sun blazed into Alexis's apartment, rudely awakening her from her slumber. Her eyes fluttered open as she stirred herself awake, and a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close.

"Dimineața, iubire," Alexis mumbled as she turned herself over to meet their gaze.

James kissed her head before she snuggled closer into his embrace.

"Good morning to you, too," he said, kissing her hair.

"How did you sleep?" Alexis asked.

James peered up at his new dreamcatcher, hanging next to hers, and smiled again.

"I didn't have a nightmare," he said up at the catchers before looking down at her. "I didn't dream, either, though."

"That's okay," she shrugged. "The important thing is that you didn't have a nightmare."

"How did you sleep?" He asked as he stretched out his legs.

"I slept fine," she kissed his nose, rubbing her foot up his leg.

Jame's s feet dangled off the small mattress, making Alexis giggle as he wiggled his feet at her.

"I think you need a bigger mattress."

"There's nothing wrong with my mattress," she argued through her giggles. "I'm not used to having a giant in my bed."

"A giant?"

"You're huge."

"Maybe you're just small?" James challenged.

Alexis narrowed her eyes at him before a smile broke out on her face.

"Shut up and kiss me."

"Yes, ma'am," he said, pulling her in for a kiss by hooking his finger under her chin.

Alexis sighed into their kiss, letting his lips be a welcome distraction from the reality that she had to go back to work today. She'd much rather stay in bed with James, but she knew that if she didn't open the bar today, an angry mob of grumpy old men would be banging down the door.

"I have to go to work," she huffed as she got up, stretching her sore body despite its protest. "Do you want coffee?"

"Please," James sat up, watching Alexis go about her morning routine.

They were still in the clothes from the night before since the two of them had gone back to sleep after their late-night adventure to The Midnight Festival. James had pulled himself out of her bed to go to the restroom as she made them coffee.

As James washed his face, he noticed that the dark circles that usually plagued his face were beginning to fade, thanks to the peaceful sleep he had gotten. He wondered if it was because of the dreamcatcher, despite being skeptical of its superstition, or if it was from the company. Either way, he felt relieved.

The strong scent of coffee brought James out of the bathroom and toward the small kitchenette, where he found Alexis sipping from her mug as she watched the morning sky from her reading nook. Next to her was a steaming mug, waiting for him and guiding him to his spot next to her as he gazed out onto the waking city. Neither spoke, embracing the comfortable silence as they enjoyed their liquid breakfast together.

James couldn't help but chuckle as he sipped his coffee, and Alexis took notice of his silent amusement as she watched him.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"It's nothing," he said.

"What?" She asked again.

"It's just," he chuckled again before sighing. "This is nice... normal."

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