❈ 5 , (un)blocked

635 30 14


I had my hands clasped together and had been hitting my volleyball on the pool wall for the past hour, making sure not to bend my arms and just bouncing it from my fist to the wall.

I could hear the splash from Summer diving into the pool and doing her usual practices, consisting of a couple laps of backstrokes, swimming over the water and under the water for a certain amount of laps.

We'd both got up early so we could practice for our sport. Summer usually did this most days without me, it was just today I had worked myself up out of the bed in time to get to school early enough.

I hit the ball with my forearm once more and caught the ball when it bounced back. I placed it down next to a bench and pulled my water bottle out of my bookbag sitting right next to the bench.

I took a sip and smiled once the warm sun shined through the large indoor pool windows, casting a glow on the water. Summer was doing her last lap in the water, backstroking towards the side I was on.

She stopped swimming and pulled herself up to the edge of the pool to sit down. I grabbed her water bottle from her bookbag and handed it to her.

"Thanks." She murmured before taking big gulps of water from her bottle.

I waited for her to finish drinking and she stood up to head for the showers, droplets of water dripping down from her body and making a trail of water behind her.

I grabbed both our bags with our uniforms in them and followed her along to the showers.

After we both took our showers, Summer got out before me and was fixing herself up in the mirror. I had changed into my uniform in the changing room after my shower. I walked towards the marble sinks where Summer was thoroughly inspecting her hair for any knots.

"Come on, Summer. We can't be late this week because of how long you take to get ready." She let out a small laugh before turning away from the mirror. "That's really ironic coming from you."

"Whatever, can we just go? Please?" She let out a sarcastic annoyed sigh and nodded, each of us grabbing our bag and walking out of the bathroom.

Just as we walked out of the indoor pool doors the bell rang.

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First period was my first test. Test's are where I shine. My school does this thing where there's a leaderboard. Most people are always in competition to be at the top. Not to brag but, I'm always number one. 

Last year no one could beat my constant 100/100 scores. This year I expect it to be the same.

Marine Bio wasn't anything special. It was practically the same as yesterday. We did some work as a class and Ryder and I did some work 'together.' We really just worked on our own and combined what we both had towards the end of class. No talking, just copying each other's notes.

I'm just so thankful he's not dumb. He's actually really smart. Like, his notes were impressive and his handwriting is neat. He writes in cursive, pretty cursive letters.

I walked through the lunchroom doors along with a cluttered group of students, everyone going their separate ways.

I walked over to the lunch line, quickly scanning my options before grabbing myself a bowl of shrimp alfredo and putting it on my tray.

As I finished filling up my tray Summer approached me, smiling and talking about whatever she just did in her chemistry class. I listened along and waited for her to finish getting food and as we started walking to our table. While we finished getting our food I caught the eyes of.. James?

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