❈ 4, the empty seat

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I sat on the side of the pool with my feet dangling in the water, watching Summer gracefully glide through the pool, performing lap after lap. As she finished her final round of backstrokes, she approached me, her hands gripping the pool's edge.

I helped her up and placed her on the side next to me, ignoring the water that was dripping from her and getting onto my clothes. I let her catch her breath for a moment before speaking. "So, do you think you've had enough practice for today? I don't want you to overwork yourself."

"Yeah, I think I'm good." She lifted her head up and turned towards me. "Can you get my bag? It should be on the bench." I nodded and took my feet out of the water, going to get her bag off the bench.

"Summer, there's no bag here." I said while looking under the bench and around. "There isn't?" She took her legs out of the water to come and look at the bench.

"Oh- I left it at the gym." Her confusion turned to realization as she spoke, I raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "How'd it get in the gym?" She stopped. "I'll explain later, can you go get it for me? It has my clothes in it."

My suspicion only grew larger as to why she wouldn't tell me, but I put it aside and agreed to go get her bag.

I slipped my crocs on before starting on my way to the gym to get her bag. The school was almost empty, nobody was studying because it was the start of the year and no homework had been given yet. The only people who usually stayed after school were kids who played sports and took them seriously, like Summer.

I usually stay around for Summers' swimming practice instead of going and practicing volleyball on my own because to be honest, I don't care for volleyball that much. I've never had a huge love for sports like Summer does. Summer has always devoted her time to swimming and even given parts of her mental health. Meanwhile volleyball for me is just a thing I do to keep fit and because my parents tell me to.

Because I don't care doesn't mean I'm bad at it or that I'll put less effort when supporting my team, I just don't love it.

I arrived at the gym and peeked through the door, hearing a basketball thumping around. Of course somebody has to be in here.

It was a boy basketballing, he pulled off his tie and threw it to the side and then went to grab the ball. I pushed the door slightly ajar to get a better look and this time he seemed to notice me.

"Um, sorry." I quickly apologized, not wanting to come across as weird or intrusive. I stepped fully inside the gym, letting the door close behind me.

"I left my bag here." I explained, leaving out the part that it was my sisters because I didn't want to engage in much conversation. My gaze shifted to the boy. To my surprise, he was none other than the president's son—the very same person I had found myself captivated by earlier, the one who seemed to see right through me.

I walked across the court to grab Summers' bag. "It's right here.." I picked the bag up and quickly swung it across my shoulder.

"It's fine." He responded.

I looked at him, trying not to be too obvious. His white school shirt clung to his sweaty form making his bicep's visible through it, his coffee brown hair was pushed back and out of his face. Sweat ran down the sides of his jaw, yet his skin was really clear.

We were just standing across from each other, doing nothing. "It was really nice–" He paused. "Seeing you."

"Oh yeah. You too." I speed-walked out of that room and shut the door. Was he debating between using the word meeting? We hadn't really met. That means he knew it was me staring at him.

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