sleepover part 3

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Violet POV

R: vi can i use your shampoo?

Vi: of course, why would you ask?

R: because it's your shampoo

Vi: well, thank you for asking

                         Ruby takes a shower while i change... i have to go in there to get my makeup off though

Ruby POV

R: *sigh*

                         Nothing like a ice cold shower to help me relax after a rough night. Specifically after this night, i could feel daffodil watching me most of the time. I hear a knock on the door so i close the shower curtain                  

Vi: can i please come in? 

R: yeah

Vi: just taking off my makeup... oh, do you need a towel by any chance?

R: oh, yeah. I do actually

Vi: here! 


                   She jumps to hang the towel over the curtain rod. Oh my God that's really cute

Vi: i left you're pjs in here too so you don't need to worry about getting them in a towel

R: thanks violet

                      I finish my shower, dry off and put on my pjs. My hair smells like hers... is that weird, that's probably weird. I'll stop thinking about it. I walk out and see violet turning on her night light. It's a ladybug that projects stars onto the ceiling thru the lil holes on it's back

Karen POV

                      Daffodill finally comes out of the bathroom after washing all that hairspray out of her hair wearing her yellow robe 

K: i honestly have no idea how your hair is so healthy

Daff: quiet simple actually. I have a hair routine 

K: makes sense. It's so soft, i don't use nearly as much product as you do and mine isn't close to this soft. Kinda jealous 

Daff: i could teach you my routine if you'd like

K: yeah, i'd like that

Daff: well, maybe tomorrow 

                       She takes off her robe exposing a new nightgown, neatly hangs it and gets in bed next to me

K: it's pretty

Daff: thank you, i've been getting better at sewing so i wanted to try something new

                       We turn off the lights and i scoot closer to her

Daff: good night 

K: night muffin

Alan POV

                 I walk into rose's room to say goodnight

Gab: alan

Al: hey gabs, rose. Just wanted to kiss ya goodnight, sorry if that's stupid

Gab: no no, it's not

R: sorry again we couldn't all fit on the bed

                      I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed... but i think we could. I won't push anything though. I kiss gabrielle and wave at rose

Gab: goodnight alan

Al: night ladies

R: goodnight

                           I walk back to the sofa and get comfy. I cross my arms behind my head for a pillow... i here footsteps. I sit up and see rose

R: i thought maybe you'd like a pillow

                            She's so thoughtful

Al: yeah actually. thanks rose

R: no problem and um... never mind, night

Al: night

                       I get comfy again and lay on the soft pillow. It smells like her. I let out a sigh and close my eyes. She's caving, i can feel it. I'll get to her, it's just taking longer... i think. I wonder how fast she fell for Gabs. If she's anything like me, and she's not, she was oblivious and confused the feelings for friendship or something... oh well. Goodnight girls

Ruby POV 

                    Something feels like it's missing, i just can't sleep. There's something i think i can try-

Vi: ruby

R: a-are you okay? did you have a nightmare?

Vi: no, i can't sleep

R: oh, same here

Vi: i think i got used to us snuggling in a different way and it's harder to fall asleep like this. Could you maybe... bring out your wings again? i love my bed, but your wings are much more comfortable-

                          I bring them out and cover her with one of them as i bring her closer to me... this is nice. I didn't wanna say anything, but i was missing this too

Vi: thank you ruby. Goodnight ruby

R: night i love you

Vi: i love you too

CSMHU short storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora