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Rose POV

Gab: this should be everything

Rose: a shame they're sick... we were going to go the to fair today

Gab: we can still go, i just want to make sure alan is okay 

Rose: i understand gabrielle 

                           Alanis got sick the other day and i've never seen them so low on energy. We walk in thru alans' front door and put the groceries down on the dining room table

Gab: alan! we're home!

                          I brush my tail a little while walking into the living room and see alan sleeping

Gab: the chicken soup is warming up in the mircowave

Rose: good, that should help them feel better... alan? 

Gab: alan wake up, we brought you some soup

Alan: *yawn* huh? oh, rose! gabs hey! *sniff*

                           Their big golden retriever tail starts waging

Alan: i missed you two!

Rose: we were only gone for an hour

Alan: i know but still

                             Normally they'd get up and hug us... i guess that shows how tired they are


Gab: oh that's your soup, be right back okay?

Alan: kay

                              Gabrielle caresses alans' face with her tail as she leaves. Alan has the look for a love sick puppy watching gabs leave

Rose: i'm here too you know

                               Alan sits up and i give em a scratch behind the ears

Alan: i know, been waiting for both *sniff* of you

                              I curl my feline tail around theirs

Rose: could you stop with the wagging?

Alan: oh, sorry

Gab: here you go

Alan: *sniff* thanks guys

Rose: of course alan, you're our partner 

Gab: we like making sure you're healthy and happy

Alan: *smiles* i love you guys

Rose: we love you too alan 

Alanis POV

                     I have some of the soup while we watch a movie, rose and gabs of course sitting away from me. They're tails each curled around the others leg... it's so cute

Gab: here alan, fresh tissues from the store

Alan: thanks

Gab: no problem... alan we were wondering-

Alas: of course you can still go on the date without me

Rose: oh

Gab: how did you know?

Alan: because i know you gabs, i knew you'd be thinking bout it since i said i was sick... besides i want you two to have some alone time. I get enough with both of you but you two hardly get time just the two of you. I think you should totally go!

Rose: you're really sweet

Alan: i try. Anyways take pics? i know it's just the fairgrounds but yanno, can never get enough pictures of my girls

Gab: *purring* 

Alan: bring me back a stuffie!

Rose: alright, we will

                            They blow kisses at me and i pretend to catch them with my hands before they leave... God i love them

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