spawn story: bad karma

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This is just what happened when allie and ruby spawned in. not a au just memories i don't think i'd ever put in can't shut my heart up, so enjoy ig



                Woah, where am i? better question, where was i? i wasn't anywhere, i just got here though. Was i like born? well i don't think i'm small enough to be a kid. I'm wearing stuff, newborns don't have stuff once they're born... i think. I don't really know. I get up from the floor and walk out of whatever lil room i'm in. why was i on the floor anyways? I guess i should walk around, figure out what's going on. I'm hungry. Well am i hungry? maybe i'm not, i don't really know, never felt this before, never felt many things i guess. Wait, why am i talking to myself in my head, i should actually talk.

?: h- 

                    Oh, okay. i guess it'd be harder to talk considering i never have before

?: h-hello... helloooo... hello :)

                       I walk around, whatever this place is and practice talking. wait a second, do i have a name? I should have a name. oooooh what should my name be? something fun or cool or simple, easy to say. lemme think. Well i'm already doing that i guess-

?: hmmm, i think... aaahhh...leeeee... allie... that works, kinda l-light and f-fun... yeah fun :)

Allie POV

                      So after walking around a bit and naming myself i think i'm just in some sort of room, well multiple rooms, i'm not in the room i was in. I see something to sit on and sit on it. can i leave yet? is there a world out there? oooooh is there things to eat? I see myself in a mirror. so that's what i look like? not half bad

A: :)


A: :O W-WHO'S THERE!?! wait... who's there? SOMEONES HERE? I'M NOT ALONE! 

??: *groan*

                     I walk over to the room i heard the crash come from. The room is just a plain room with a bed and a closet. Some was on the floor in front of it... oh that's the lil room i was in, the closest... why was i in a closest-

??: ...

A: hey, are you okay?

                      She looks up and jumps a lil

A: hey, it's okay, don't worry i'm chill, we chill

                             I give them a hand to stand up, She's pretty tall. Then again she has boots and i'm barefoot  

A: hi! i'm allie, who are you?

??: ...

A: oh, right, talking. it might take a bit, but that's okay! so um welcome to life! i think, actually i don't really know. Then again i guess i wouldn't even be able to think about it if i wasn't alive right?

??: y- hm

A: oh don't worry, once you start the talking think it comes k-kinda easy

??: y-you taaalk... talk a l-lot

A: yeah aha i kinda do. Well, maybe, i wouldn't know, there's no one else here

??: didn't mean it in a bad way. just not used to hearing it yet

A: oh right. well do you have a name?

??: i don't know

A: don't worry it'll come to you. lemme get a good look at you

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