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Ruby POV

A: you know, smoking is really bad for you

R: *sigh* hey allie and yeah duh i know

                       She sits next to me on the edge

A: what are you doing up here?

R: just... thinking

A: just... thinking?

R: yeah

A: you wanna talk about it?

R: i don't know

A: come on ruby, you can talk to me

R: you're the only one i can talk to

A: oh, so this is about that

R: *sigh* i just... i don't get it, i haven't done anything worth them being scared over right?

A: no

R: then why do they hate me? 

A: they don't hate you rubes

R: i hate when you call me that

A: sorry... look, come down and we can talk about it at a safer place

R: it's peaceful up here

A: it's dangerous... i don't wanna risk you... yanno

R: you think i'd do that?

A: ...

                             That explains some things. I mean, i guess it only makes sense to worry if your younger sister was just sitting on the edge of the top of a building

R: well i wouldn't, i promise

A: can you come down with me? well, i mean help me down

R: sure just gimme a few more minutes

A: okay

                          Allie lays down and looks up at the clouds 

A: it is pretty nice up here... h-hey! look! that's cloud looks like a rabbit, see it's lil tail

R: yeah it kinda does... hey, look at that one! it looks like two lions fighting each other for a scrap of meat *chuckle* kinda cool

A: yoo, you're totally right

                             See, not many people would agree with me or want to. She might not even agree but she's good at playing pretend and sometimes it works because i feel more at ease

R: *sigh* alright... thanks for that allie

A: of course sis!

R: alright

                              I get up and hold my hand out to help her

R: let's go

A: yeah... let's 

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