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Barbie POV

Barb: i swear to GOD dante if anyone i know sees me and posts it on their story dante-

Dan: relax, no one's gonna be doing that

Barb: i can't believe you talked me into this 

Dan:  you did wanna know where i go every week

Barb: yeah but a "just a bar" would've been fine... also what's with the hat?

Dan: what? yanno i like hats

Barb: you look like a cowboy

Dan: i like this hat >:/

Barb: all right, all right. i hope you weren't expecting me to dress the part

Dan: oh i wasn't. you couldn't pull it off anyways

Barb: >:O

                            I grab my purse and walk to the car... "couldn't pull it off" PLEASE they know damn well i could make ANYTHING look good

Dan: am i driving?

Bard: duh

                          I chuck the keys at em and get in the car. They get in and start driving

Dante POV

Dan: barbie?

Barb: *sigh* yeah?

Dan: um, i'm sorry, i thought it'd be funny is all. Didn't mean to hurt ya or nothing

Barb: it's fine dante, i'm sorry i just... yanno how i get sometimes

Dan: oh i know 

Barb: >:/

Dan: i'm sure you'd look amazing

Barb: yeah i would, i'd use-

Dan: just don't say you'd use those white cowboy boots, everyone uses those

Barb: ...

Dan: you were gonna say that weren't ya?

Barb: yep

Dan: sorry :(

                                   I didn't mean to hurt er, i really did just thought it'd be a playful jab is all

Barb: it's fine, you're right everyone uses them

Dan: y-you would pull em off 

                                   She would, i ain't making fun of her there. It's the truth

 Dan: i ain't good with words, how did we end up dating again?

Barb: well *giggle* it definitely wasn't your way with words that got me

Dan: hm, my good looks?

Barb: maybe that was a factor

Dan: OH! my strength? work ethic? determination?

Barb: you mean stubbornness? 

Dan: same thing

Barb: honestly... i don't really know... i mean, i was a bitch towards you... *sigh*

                                   It hurt sure, it really hurt some nights, but i moved past it. She never seemed to be able to 

Dan: you're still on that ol thing?

Barb: dante, i misgendered you on PURPOSE. I thought you were an idiot. Hated being around you and most unstables for that matter... i was awful

Dan: yeah, you were a bitch

Barb: ...

Dan: a hugggee asshole actually

Barb: -_-

Dan: i hated that i liked you i mean you were REALLY REALLY mean to a lot of people just because of something we couldn't control. You let your anger take the wheel, called people names...

Barb: okay okay i get it

Dan: but... you got better and you're still getting better. You feel awful bout what ya did but that just means you KNOW what you did is bad, that there's already a good sign. It means you've gotten past being a bitch and you're trying to improve. You can always become a better person if you try hard enough. Some people just need a lil push is all and i guess of all the things to push ya it was me. Which is kinda sweet to think bout... but n-now i'm just rambling ain't i?... barbie? ya okay doll? 

                                 She's looking up at the ceiling she only does that so she won't mess up her pretty makeup while crying

Dan: d-did i say something? i'm sorry barbie i tried to tell ya i ain't no good with words

Barb: you're like ACTUALLY too kind... is all... WAIT, DAMN IT-

Dan: AHAHHAHA i guess i do have a way with words

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