Chapter 5

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"Fuck," JJ practically whimpers as my lips move further and further down his body, delicately leaving a trail of kisses behind. His rough fingertips graze my bare back, drawing gentle circles as I continue to journey down his body to where he, so clearly, needs me the most.

We have a simple rule to follow; no love, only lust. A rule in which we must obey if we wish to continue our secret hookups. Of course, it's not always so simple. It's only natural to get a bit carried away, to allow your mind to briefly imagine a world where we are something more. I suppose it's all just the heat of the moment, at least that's what I tell myself.

JJ's strong, muscular arms contort to hold my head, pulling it up to face his own. My eyes wander to his now flexed muscles before a slight tug at my hair forces our eyes to meet. And just like that, I lose all control of myself. My limbs no longer respond to the signals I send them as I find myself paralysed by his stare.

His eyes seem to flip, changing from their usual brown to a rich, sultry, darker colour. I told you, lust is powerful and it's intoxicating to witness in action as I have. JJ makes the next move, his strong hand grabbing my jaw as he brings my face mere inches away from his.

"You're gorgeous," he whispers against my lips, his warm breath tickling the delicate skin of my face. I hum in response.

"You remember our rule, don't you?" I tease.

"How could I forget?" He chuckles with a cheeky smirk. Sometimes it feels impossible not to fall for him, especially in moments like these.

"Then," I begin, moving to whisper in his ear, "I suggest you stop staring at me like I'm yours."

"You don't like it?" He questions, obviously trying to hide his damaged feelings.

"Of course I do," I laugh as if anyone could ever dislike feeling like the most desirable person on the planet.

"Then what's the problem, Miss Y/L/N?"

"It's simple," I begin, "I'm. Not. Yours."

"Oh, but you are," he smirks, once again pulling my face towards his. This time his other arm pulls my body further up to sit on his torso. As if he's practically gifting me power over him.

"I most certainly am not!" I protest, pulling my face away from his, "What makes you think that I am?"

"Because, why wouldn't you want to be?" He laughs, almost as if my question is foolish.

"I make you feel things no other man ever has, and you know it," He grins, and I cannot deny his remark as I was the person to give him said information.

"So, I'll say it again...why wouldn't you want to be mine?" He asks, his fingers trailing patterns onto my face and chest.

"Because," I begin, using my power over him to pin his hands above his head, "We made a pact that this wasn't going to become serious," I move even closer.

"And I always stick to my word," I say proudly before pulling him into a passionate kiss.


A/N: Hello, I hope all you JJ fans enjoyed this chapter. I think this is the spiciest thing I've ever written. Please vote if you can and I hope to see you again soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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