Tina started sobbing, while many of the others stared at the man with sad expressions.

Mr. Schue glared at Mr. Ryan, "Okay, you're done here."

Mr. Ryan raised an eyebrow, "You would be wise to show me some respect."

"You've said your piece. Now get out." Mr. Schue told him through gritted teeth.

"Well, Schuester, I should thank you. You've made my decision about which program to cut a lot easier." Mr. Ryan said, before exiting the choir room.

Later that day, Kurt set out on his mission to find his brother, having found his paper.

Mickey sat on the bleachers, staring at the sky letting the warmth calm him when
some cleared their throat behind him.

"You okay, Micks?" Kurt asked softly, walking over taking a seat by his brother

“Yeah, why?” Mickey questioned him, giving his brother his full attention

"I saw what you wrote on your paper." Kurt confessed, his voice so soft Mickey almost missed it, seeing his little brother's blank stare,”It was an accident, I just saw a crumble paper and opened it and noticed your handwriti-”

“It’s ok, Kurtsy” Mickey told him softly, turning to look at the sky again,”I’m not mad or anything”

“You do by the way” Kurt said suddenly, after a moment of silence causing the youngest hummel to turn to him with a raise an eyebrow

“I do what?” Mickey asked

“Have a purpose,” Kurt clarified, grabbing his brother's hands and smiling at him,”It can be hard to see for yourself, trust me I know but you do Mick. We all see it you just need to see it,” He told him, kissing his forehead and standing

“And how do I do that?” Mickey asked him curiously, his eyes big waiting for an answer

“You wait for it to come to you,” Kurt let him know,”Sooner or later you’ll realize your true purpose, and when it comes you’ll be sure” he finished walking away

“Mm” Mickey hummed looking at the sky once more,”I’m just supposed to know, huh?” He questioned out loud rolling his eyes,”What a load of bull”


Mr. Ryan stood in front of the glee club, excitedly opening a box. "Guys, I've got good news. I siphoned off funds from the Cheerios and I took a little shopping spree through the Jazz Hands catalog. You know why? 'Cause the arts matter. And I got custom-made New Directions jean jackets and some rad tearaway dancewear. Hello.” Kurt stood excitedly and took one for himself, ”And every piece of sheet music from every Broadway show for the last 50 years. Everything a show choir needs to become champions." The man grinned.

Mr. Schuester let out a shocked laugh,"Wow, that's just amazing. Let's all give a hand for Mr. Ryan" He said, the club complying

“Is it weird I’m freaked out?” Mike asked, Mickey and Santana who shook their heads

“I think I might barf after this,” Santana told them, earning a laugh

"Thank you. Thank you." Mr. Ryan smiled as Coach Sylvester entered the choir room.

"Congratulations, Will. I'm over the moon for you." Sue spoke, her tone causing the club to think she was genuine but Mickey knew better.

Sue was about to cause some mischief

Mr. Schue raised a confused eyebrow,smiling nevertheless, "Thanks, Sue. I'm glad you have a good attitude about your budget being cut."

"No, no, I'm not talking about that. I came over here to congratulate you on your new role. Local director, Herb Duncan, does the dry cleaning for the Cheerios and he let it slip that you just landed the lead in Les Miz! Congratulations," Sue smirked, Mr. Ryan's face fell as she then turned to him, "Oh, I'm ecstatic. And the good news just keeps coming, 'cause you got a pat, too, Bry. The exciting role of Towns Person. And you got a line, too. Way back here in the second act, you get to say.."Hooray." Congratulations, both of you, really. I can't wait for opening night."

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