"Just... You." He smiled, leaning down to kiss her and ignoring the feeling in the pit of his stomach. The one calling him a coward. "Always you."

"Yeah?" Dani teased, hooking her teeth over her lip as her hand dropped down to his neck, cupping it lightly, her fingers curling around the back of it. "What about me?"

"Oh you know..." Otis breathed out, pecking her lips between each sentence. "How pretty you are... How hot you are... How lucky I am... That I get to be... The one to kiss you... First thing in the morning."

"Such a sweet talker." Dani chuckled softly, kissing him again before he had to inevitably pull back and force himself out of the warmth of the bed.

Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, Otis leaned his elbows on his knees, running his hands down his tired face. These last two shifts had been exhausting, what with the whole slipping and falling on his ass in a bowling alley and then almost burning to death in a building the very same day. He hadn't told Dani that last part as he didn't want to worry her, but let's just say it had really taken it out of him lately.

"You seem stressed." Dani's husky voice met his ears, as did her body when he soon felt her come up behind him, her hands landing on his stiff shoulders as she knelt atop the bed. "Maybe you should take the day off... Relax a little before you wear yourself down."

"I'll be okay." Otis smiled a little, straightening his back to allow her to work her magic at loosening up his shoulders, her fingers working miracles against each and every knot present beneath his skin. "Boden's back today, so all will be as it was... You know, before Chief Pridgen."

"That Chief is lucky he never bumped into me otherwise I'd have kicked his ass for the way he treated you." Dani said with nothing but seriousness, her fingers digging just a little harder into Otis's shoulders as she thought about said Chief embarrassing her man like that.

"Ow, babe, you're pressing just a little hard." Otis strained, dipping his shoulders before Dani lifted her hands, allowing a touch of relief to spread throughout his body. He should have known better than to bring up Chief Pridgen when she was massaging him as she always did tend to anger easily.

"Sorry, sorry." Dani said around a sigh, leaning forward to press a soft kiss against the birthmark that sat just below his hairline. "I just hate the way he treated you." She added, her head shifting to the side so that she could rest her chin on his shoulder, her arms slipping under his to hold him back against her, never wanting to let him go. "Making you feel bad about yourself."

"I know, but it's over now. He's gone. Boden's back and besides..." Otis turned a little, the two of them now looking at each other, barely inches apart. "Nothing he could say to me would ever make me feel anything less, not when I have you to talk me up again."

"Damn right you do." Dani said around a scoff, making Otis chuckle softly before he pressed his lips against hers. She didn't even seem to acknowledge the kiss as it just came naturally to her now given the amount of times they did it, which is why Otis wasn't surprised that she went straight back to talking once he pulled back. "Because I'll always be here to talk you up... All day. Everyday. That's why I'm the best girlfriend."

Dani shrugged a little, a slight grin on her face as she looked oh so pleased with herself. She could feel Otis's soft laugh against her lips, his hot breath mixing with the coldness of her skin before he pulled her forward, kissing her deep enough that it made it hard for her to open her eyes again when he pulled back.

"That you are." He whispered, pecking her lips one last time before she released her hold on him as his second alarm had just started to go off.

The one he needed to set as moments like this often happened after his first and therefore he needed another reminder that he had a job to do and couldn't spend all day in bed with Dani.

One Night Stand // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek ✔️Where stories live. Discover now