8- Playing nice

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Silas' P.O.V.

I sat there on the couch in our motel room in Utah, pissed at the pictures I was looking at on the phone. Deep down I knew it was going to be bad, but unfortunately, I've seen worse. It still doesn't make looking at this any easier though.

I put a few pain relievers in my mouth and downed them with a shot of whiskey. I have a headache from driving all day and was looking forward to going to bed after my shower tonight. I took a long puff off my cigarette, inhaling as I messaged my eyes with the palms of my hands.

I felt Daniella's soft hands take the cigarette out of my fingers and sat down next to me on the couch. I looked over at her as she leaned forward to put the cigarette out in the ashtray on the table in front of us.

"I'm going to ask you nicely one more time, please don't smoke when you're around me... especially in a small space."

I studied her face, wondering why it bothered her so much and if I remember correctly, the first time she told me not to smoke next to her she didn't ask me very nicely. "Are you allergic or something?"

She paused for a moment, looking almost sad before she shook her head, "No. I just don't care for the smell."

My eyes traveled from her eyes, down her body. Since I only had one outfit for her, she was in one of my clean t-shirts. Her body was incredibly beautiful and I knew she didn't have anything on underneath my shirt after she showered, which made my thoughts go crazy.

Not going to lie, it's been a while for me. I'd never cross that line ever with a client or a target but I'm  human and not blind.

Clearing my throat I looked away. "I'm washing laundry down the hallway. When we get to Chicago I'll have more clothes for you there."

"What exactly is the plan now once we arrive in Chicago? How do I know you're not playing me so I don't try running again and then you hand me over as soon as we get there?"

"I'm not sure yet and after seeing these-" I handed her the burner with the pictures. "You don't have to worry about me handing you over to that man."

"Don't you have a contract?"

"Don't you worry about that."

Leo got me this job for a reason, he too knew something wasn't right and when he finds out what was going on, he would do exactly the same thing I'm planning to.

She shook her head as she looked down at the phone. "You know what sucks about this whole thing?"


"He gets away with it and will probably do this to another woman."

I poured another shot of whiskey and handed it to her. "Then we stop him so he can't."

She smirked as she stared at me.

"Drink?" I asked since she didn't take it.

"No, thank you. I don't drink."

I narrowed my eyes at her before placing the glass to my lips and drank it. "You don't smoke and you don't drink. Do you do anything at all that's a little rebellious.... Minus stealing 2.3 million dollars?"

She gave me the biggest smile that made my penis twitch. "I can't think of anything. You're really going to help me?"

I smiled. "Undecided." Of course I was.

I helped her up and we walked over towards the bed and slapped the cuffs on one of her wrists. "I'm going to shower." I slid the other cuff through the pipe on the wall and cuffed her other wrist. "I'll be quick and then we can go to bed.

She groaned. "Oh my goddess. I want to go to sleep now, I'm tired!"

"You will... as soon as I shower. I'll be quick."


2 am.

My eyes opened.

Something was wrong.

Ever since I was young, I've analyzed every situation I walk into and planned out every detail along the way. I swear my brain never shuts off, even when I'm sleeping because if I didn't analyze and plan it could lead to my death and the death of others.

I sat up slowly, listening.

With the assassin that came after us and who knows who else Robert hired, I didn't know who or what was outside our motel door.

Daniella was laying in bed asleep, totally unaware of the situation outside. I knelt on the bed next to her. "Daniella, you need to get up." I whispered, shaking her.

She rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?"

"Listen to me-" Before I could finish, sounds of a loud crash and screaming came from outside. I uncovered her, picked her up and got low on the side of the bed.

She snuggled in close to me as I moved the bed, blocking the front of us in case someone started shooting.

"What the hell is happening?" She asked worried.

Taking my gun off the safety, I pointed the gun at the door.

"I fucking hate you!" A woman screamed.

"Ohhh for fuck sakes." I let go of Daniella, "stay here." I went over to the window and looked out. Cops had just pulled up and were trying to separate the couple as they continued to scream at each other.

"Cops must be called here a lot, that was a very fast response time."

About an hour later, there was a knock on our door. Groaning, I went over to the door and looked out the peephole. Two officers were standing there and knocked again.

I opened the door, praying Daniella was going to behave herself. "Is everything okay, Officer's?"

"Yes, we're sorry for disturbing you at this hour. A few other guests got injured during the couples fight so we wanted to check in with all the guests and make sure everyone was okay?"

"Yes, looking forward to finally being able to go back to sleep now."

"Is anyone else with you?"

I paused for a moment. I felt Daniella's soft hand go around my lower back and the other she placed softly on my chest as she snuggled into my side. "Just me." She smiled sweetly at the two younger officers.

"As long as you can confirm you are both fine we can let you get back to sleep."

"We're okay. We were both sleeping when this all started."

"Great. We are taking all parties involved to the station so you shouldn't have another disturbance tonight. You both have a good night."

After I closed the door, Daniella looked up at me. "That couples porno must not have ended well."

I burst out laughing and so did she. "See Stone, this is what happens when you pick places like these to sleep."

"I promise, the hotel in Chicago will be much nicer."

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