5- Tonight was a lot

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Silas' P.O.V.

Daniella played nervously with the tips of her hair as we watched my car and the three people inside burn to ash.

After I killed the man that hit my car with his, I had Leo run a quick check on these guys since I didn't have the time to do it at the moment. I took my duffel bags out of my car and set up the scene to make it look like the one guy came in and shot these guys and set their car on fire.

Leo called back a short time later with information. The three guys that were in the alley when I found Daniella, work for a local gang called the LA Kings here in California. The other man, Simon, was an alias but when he ran the Face ID it came back as a match to an assassin that I had to check into to see if Robert had also hired.

"Soooo, is this like a normal night for you?" She asked, nervously.

I didn't answer because unfortunately the answer used to be yes.

I positioned Simon up against his car and placed the gun in his hand, making the cops think that after Simon killed these three, someone else came in and killed Simon and drove off.

"We need to get out of here."

"I don't understand what's happening? I promise I won't tell anyone what happened tonight... you saved my life back there, so I owe you one. Just let me go."

"Walk!" I grabbed my bags and her arm and headed out of the alley. "Do you think those words have ever actually worked with criminals before? I'm not going to hurt you though and for the third time we need to talk."

"About what? I highly doubt you and I have anything in common."

"We need to keep moving. Give me your phone."

"No!" She argued.

"I just want to power it off so nobody can track you or us. That last man back there was an assassin."

She lifted it up, "It's already powered off. See!"

I snatched it fast and put it in my pocket.

She huffed. "Why is there an assassin after you?"

"What makes you think he's after me darlin. I was sent after you, wasn't I?"

She looked at me confused. "So you think he was there for me..."

We finally got to an older car without any alarms systems and that I knew I could hotwire without any problems. I was about to pick the lock when a few people walking around the corner caught my attention. I looked over at Daniella, she looked like she was contemplating whether or not to scream or not so I gently pushed her up against the car door and leaned in close, inhaling her wonderful scent as I spoke and picked the lock. "If you scream, you risk killing those innocent people and it will just prolong our talk."

I backed away and opened the door, watching as she decided what to do. "Okay?"

She let out a breath and nodded before I helped her inside. I threw my bags in the back and got in. Leaning down I ripped open under the steering wheel and hot wired the car before taking off.

I watched from the corner of my eye as she buckled up. "When you said you better hope another hunter doesn't find you, does that mean like a bounty hunter?"

"Yes. I don't work for an agency but someone hired me to find you."

"Who sent you?"

"Robert Crawell."

She started laughing. "Are you serious right now? Robert Crawell is an asshole."

"So you know him?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"How about robbing him? Do you also admit to seducing him and then stealing 2.3 million dollars from him?"

She laughed again. "Okay... first of all I didn't seduce him, ewww. That man is a disgusting pile of shit and I didn't have to seduce that man to get what I wanted from him."

"So you admit to stealing his money?"

"Yes and I'm telling you right now if you think I'm going to let you take me to that man, you're going to have one hell of a fight on your hands. I don't have his money anymore and I will die before I help him get it back."

I just looked at her as she mumbled under her breath. Rolling my eyes I put a cigarette in my mouth and lit it, blowing it out the window. "What gives you the right to think you can just parade around, taking money that isn't yours?"

She huffed. This chick was starting to get on my nerves.

"And what gives Robert Crawell the right to lay his grubby hands on his wife? What gives him the right to make her feel so scared that she would slip up and say something he didn't like out in public, that once they got home she wondered if that would be the time he finally kills her. Don't you dare talk to me about what's right."

Well this got my attention. I knew something didn't sit well with me with Robert's story and here's why. I just had to make sure this woman was telling me the truth before I hand delivered her to him.

"Why would you work for someone like that anyway?" She rolled her window down and took my cigarette out of my mouth as I was inhaling and chucked it out the window.

"And do you have any idea how bad second hand smoke is? It can cause coronary heart disease, strokes, lung cancer, and other diseases. Don't even get me started with what that is doing to you."

Neither one of us said another word the rest of the ride to a motel that I found and I had another car waiting for me there when we left. We dumped the car I hotwired and checked in. It wasn't the greatest motel but it was one in the area that took cash.

Opening the door to our room I watched as Daniella looked around the room, clearly not impressed. There was only one bed which probably concerned her but for the most part clean considering how cheap the room was.

"May I use the bathroom?"

"Of course you can." I walked in and turned on the lights, looking over the bathroom to make sure she couldn't escape through a window or grab anything as a weapon. "Okay. You can go in."

She rolled her eyes as she passed me, shutting the door behind her. I was surprised how well she was doing, considering the situation she was in. She did seem scared and nervous but maybe she figured this day would be coming that Robert would send someone after her.

A few minutes later she walked out and went to the opposite side of the room. "You can have the bed, I'll sleep on the couch."

"Stone, I need to leave."

"I'm exhausted. Tonight was a lot."

"Stone! What exactly is the plan here? Are you going to kill me? I don't see you handing me over to that sleeze because I watched you kill four people tonight."

She was smart. I'll give her that. To be honest, I didn't know what I was going to do about that problem yet. I moved the couch in front of the door so she couldn't try any funny business while I slept. I laid down and closed my eyes. "I heard what you told me in the car. We will talk in the morning."

"I'm not sleeping in that bed. This room screams STDs and porno videos."

"Would you prefer the couch?"

"Have you ever watched porn? A couch is just as bad."

"That's fine. Stand there all night, then I'll have a quiet ride tomorrow. Goodnight." I shut off the lights and smiled as I heard her quietly curse me out. A few minutes later I heard a dip down in the bed and another huff.

"Night sunshine." I said, still smiling.

"I hate you!"

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