Chapter 9: Mortemholdt

Começar do início

Don't start bugging me because you can't get Rahim to talk.

Selena leaned up against one of his horns. But you would tell me if something is troubling you, right?

Of course, I would. When Thor knew his answer didn't satisfy her, he added, But Rahim isn't like me. I've always confided in you. I can't hide anything from you.

No, you can't, and nor can I.

Meanwhile, Silver pulled out the blueprints to go over the plans with Rahim once more as a diversion. It seemed to help some, and the distraction lifted his spirits; Selena grinned to see his improved mood.

Thor coasted for another day and a half, allowing the updraft to carry his weary wings. When his throat ached from thirst, Selena summoned water from the clouds and air, creating a massive bubble that Thor chomped through, taking huge gulps from each globule. Silver offered him his familiar brew: a stamina restoration elixir, but Thor declined. I am well enough to fly to Mortemholdt.

Will you be well while waiting for us? I don't believe the prison has quarters to accommodate a dragon your size, my dear.

Thor snorted but only agreed once the floating jail was well within their aerial view; Silver administered his tonic, and Thor licked his chops, pupils dilated to slits, and his wing muscles eased. I'm ready, my dear.

The island prison was suspended high over Lake Peril, where the water looked like a black mirror, but, as the name suggested, dangers lurked beneath the dark surface. Nobody knew how deep the lake was, its glossy and eerily calm surface like the void. Writhing in rings around the floating skull-shaped prison was an unnatural mist, hiding Mortemholdt from any passerby; its height made it easy to miss.

Silver explained as they drew close, "No one has ever escaped Mortemholdt, except for Vulduin. Prisoners have tried in the past, but...." Upon reaching the lake's edge, Selena watched as rotting corpses bobbed up and down along the water's surface; the smell of rotting flesh laded the air and made her want to vomit. "The last person released from here was Gundisalvus before his death. Otherwise, you're here for life."

Thor tucked in his wings and shot straight up towards the skull ruins like a freshly fired bullet. His steep climb almost rendered his passengers defenseless against the piercing wind; the three and their bags would have fallen overboard if they weren't buckled and strapped down with belts and carabiners. Selena's eyes watered as the air screamed into her ears, but Thor slowed down and extended his massive wings to slow his flight, and the trio wallowed in relief and finally relaxed.

He brought his three riders to a hidden enclave with a single metal door, the platform hosting two metal docks that Selena assumed were made for ships to make port, but she had never heard of a vessel flying through the sky before—save for those carried by dragons. Rahim's eyes circled the map of Mortemholdt while Silver and Selena dismounted and pointed at their current location, clarifying this was a docking station. "I've heard rumors of sky pirates whose ships fly instead of sail. This area could be where they drop off deliveries and other goods, but I don't know when the next one will be."

Selena's heated glare almost melted the door off its hinges. "Then we must make this quick."

Thor opened his maw and spewed strands of fire and lightning towards the sky. I'll destroy them myself.

You're certainly as large as a heavy frigate, but I still wouldn't dare.

Thor warned, If anything happens, let me know. The Council can't do anything to me if I decide to destroy Mortemholdt.

ArmageddonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora