Chapter 2: The Library

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Around her neck was her wolf-carved totem strewn by a strip of leather, gifted to her from the Aynu wolf pack to commemorate their alliance. The onyx stone pendant was around the size of her thumb, symbolizing her undying loyalty and protectiveness for her friends and family. Her friends each received a unique carved necklace: Thor and Doragon had dragons, Azrael had the raven, and Rahim had the fox.

Realizing she hadn't bathed in some time, Selena sniffed her arm only to find her skin smelling like soap; Thor explained Silver took it upon himself to keep her cleaned, to which her face immediately burned in embarrassment. You smelled of something awful. You couldn't afford to be ashamed, and you needed it after being imprisoned. Thor crinkled his snout and stuck out his tongue in disgust.

Selena chuckled, the humiliation still burning her cheeks. Yet, she couldn't shake off a burning itch in her mind, and her heart stopped when she saw her left hand—no, there was no hand but a bandaged stump. The urge to scream crept upon her, but a memory flashed through her mind like a lightning bolt.

Thor closed his eyes and turned away when he noticed her reaction. At first, Selena refused to accept the encounter with Medusa; it happened so fast—quicker than falling asleep—that that would have been the end of it, and she would have been none the wiser; there was no pain as she slipped into the void. There was nothing.

I wasn't just unconscious, was I? I was gone. She paused upon stumbling through this grim realization. What happened to the others? Rahim? Azrael? Doragon?

Thor still avoided her gaze, but he swished his tail across the smooth tile. Rahim is fine. I believe he's with Silver.

But what happened?

I don't want to talk about it. Though still stiff, Selena re-positioned and sat up a little, begging and pleading to hear his tale. Eventually, after enough prodding on her part, Thor added: I don't remember what happened, but all I know is that Azrael and Doragon brought you back before vanishing.

Selena felt eternally grateful for what Azrael and Doragon had done for her, but she was more worried about the consequences of their actions. It wasn't like they used the Well of Souls this time; no, they had to venture inside the Soul Gate to bring her back, whatever that was. Yet, this wasn't the first time the Shepherd of Souls saved her; when she and Thor were on trial after the Council discovered her identity, Azrael, through extreme measures, convinced Vidar to keep the pair in the Force and saved her a trip to the gallows.

She couldn't help but look back to what remained of her arm after Medusa had sliced her hand clean off and shuddered; her mind refused to shake away the memory of her final moments before slipping into Oblivion. Seeking vengeance against Medusa made her hiss through her teeth, and her fury billowed, waiting to erupt like a volcano; it never mattered that she was Selena's clone. Their adventures in Snowhaven were a nightmare.

Thor gnashed his teeth and whipped his tail around his sides when asked about Medusa's whereabouts. Selena flinched from his sudden hostility; he flexed out his ivory claws and began pawing at the ground, taking clumps of dirt with each pass he made. Her soul now rots in Oblivion.

When he made no further comment on how the treacherous snake met her end, Selena made the painful assumption that he was somehow involved with her demise but didn't wish to distress him with questions and accusations. After calming down, he snaked his head around and nudged his nose against her head. Your hair has grown.

Without realizing it, her only hand immediately shot up to feel the silky strands of her chocolate-brown hair draping over her shoulders. It grew fast, especially during their journey to the Water Kingdom capital; she wasn't sure if she should cut it or leave it be.

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