Character Identification

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Baekhyun: A fallen angel who lost his golden wings due to his pride and ambition. He seeks the blood of the chosen one, Chanyeol, to restore his wings. As he befriends Chanyeol, he discovers the depths of love but faces a difficult decision between his desire for his wings and his newfound affection.

Chanyeol: The chosen one, an ordinary human with an extraordinary heart. He becomes entangled in Baekhyun's quest to regain his wings and soon realizes the depth of his feelings for the fallen angel. Chanyeol must come to terms with the truth behind Baekhyun's intentions and decide if his love can endure the challenges ahead.

Yixing: Baekhyun's elder brother and another fallen angel. Yixing approaches Chanyeol to reveal the truth about Baekhyun's intentions, but as the story progresses, he seeks redemption for his past actions and becomes an integral part of their journey.

Angels and Celestial Beings: Various celestial beings inhabit the celestial realm, where angels serve important roles, including guiding mortals and witnessing the unfolding of love stories across the cosmos.

Mortal Characters: The mortal world is filled with various individuals, including the couple whose love story resonates deeply with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Other mortals encounter the influence and guidance of celestial beings as they navigate the complexities of human emotions and love.

Other Fallen Angels: Besides Yixing and Baekhyun, there might be other fallen angels with their own unique stories, some seeking redemption, others succumbing to their pride and desires, adding depth to the celestial realm's dynamics.

Throughout the fanfiction novel, these characters undergo personal growth, confront their pasts, and forge connections that will impact the celestial and mortal realms profoundly. Their individual journeys intertwine, creating a compelling narrative that explores themes of love, sacrifice, redemption, and the enduring power of genuine affection. 

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