Chapter 1

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"Welcome to Fortitude. Your name?"

"My name is Clary Smith," I answer, but I also add, "...but there must be some mistake, I applied for art school, I don't want to be here," I tell Demy quietly, the guide for the new group of girls that arrived at the shifter sanctuary.

Fortitude Place; it was a place to become a nurse, a doctor or a second-hand. Usually to Fangs, the greatest warriors on leave, or those retired, or those new. The shifter sanctuary was a learning place and a resting place for our protectors.

To work here was like winning the lottery.

No one complained, and I think that's why Demy is stunned by my words.

"What did you just say, Clary?" she asks me to repeat myself.

The other girls are looking at me funny, intrigued.

I move close to Demy to whisper up into her ear, "I didn't apply to Fortitude."

I move back and Demy is still confused, "I'll... look into it," she speaks politely and then moves back down the line of girls who did apply, "Everyone follow me for the tour."

She hurries off and we follow single file.

I'm last in the line and I follow through the garden. Long reeds and plants that grew in the checkered waterway, provided a lush garden out front and all-around Fortitude Place. The little water crossings had mini 'bridges', just planks of wood really.

Fortitude itself was like a university or a huge private hospital. Or both, I guess.

When we enter, it's a massive open floor with gold trimmed tiles. The ceiling lets in the light with a checkered sunroof. There's luxury at every turn.

Some shifters walk around but not too many.

"The Meet," Demy introduces the area, "I want nurses going left, doctors right, second-hands, straight ahead..."

I didn't know what I was, so instead of asking a question I already knew Demy didn't know the answer too, I just peel off when no one is looking and walk back outside.

I wasn't too concerned about ending up at the wrong job. It would soon be remedied. Another girl would take my place in a heartbeat. I round a few pillars outside, bored as I look for a place I can explore. I wouldn't be here long so I may as well enjoy the pompous surrounds.

Outside in the garden I see some warriors training by the tree line and a huge stone building. Like a loft, a gigantic door is rolled open and I see fighters training inside as well as outside. Some wolves rough around in the dirt by the forest line and disappear. They're teacher isn't too impressed, yelling at them to return.

I huff out a breath of complaint as I move a bit closer and stand next to a large tree trunk, watching the fighters move. That's why some girls loved to work here, they might mate with a sexy beast – the top of the food-chain kind of guy.

I don't feel a need to run off and elope with one of those giants just because they were athletically gifted and good at killing the enemy. However, I do admire their skill and the way they move... for maybe a little too long... I stare from the sanctuaries garden. I'm far enough away they won't notice or won't care too.

Besides, I'll be... gone soon.

I've just jinxed myself. One of the trainers, who was looking rather angry at the young warriors for failing to tame their strength into tactical offense or defence... has had enough and he simply turns around in my direction.

He leans over to grab a bottle of water. Facing me, he just swings his head back to drink and when he's finished, his eyes are right on me.

I feel weirdly arrogant, leaning on the tree, my arms crossed in front of me as I just stare at him.

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