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Moving back

Authors POV

Ni-ki sighed as he went down the stairs to the kitchen. „Have you packed?" His mother asked him as she was preparing breakfast for the family.

He only hummed in response, making it short. He doesn't feel like talking much at the moment, especially during this situation.

It's true. He's moving back to Japan and as much as he missed Japan, he wants to stay here. To stay with Y/n.

He was at least happy about the moments he spend with her in the holidays, her smile and laugh being his favourite all the time. Oh how much he wanted to see her like that again.

He knew it wasn't a good idea to ignore her texts and calls but he was scared. How should he tell her?

Later after two hours he and his mom went to buy some stuff for moving back to Japan. He was silent the whole time and his mother noticed it but didn't wanted to talk to him now, later was a good time.

Ni-ki waited for his mom outside the shop and suddenly a boy stood in front of him, he looked pretty upset and glared at him.

„Maki?" Ni-ki's voice was quite and calm, looking at the boy in front of him puzzled. „Why the fuck are you ignoring Y/n? She's been sad because of you!"

Maki's voice got a little loud but not too loud, he couldn't stand seeing his best friend like this, he wants Y/n to be happy. Ni-ki let out a sigh and looked at Maki with guilt.

„Look.. can we please talk in a bit? I can explain but you have to promise me you don't tell Y/n that you saw me. For now at least." He looked Maki dead serious in the eyes, Maki's lips leaving a sigh and he nod in agreement.

„Fine, meet me at the park near this store. You know which one I mean right?" Ni-ki nod and gave him a small apologetic smile. Maki went ahead while Ni-ki waited for his mom to come out of the store.

A few minutes minutes later his mom came out with a smile and bags, Ni-ki helped his mom and they went home. On their way Ni-ki cleared his throat to speak up. „Mom?" She hums in response.

„Can I meet a friend after we bought the bags at home? It's important." As they crossed the streets she smiled. „Sure, but don't take too long please, you know we need to get ready. The flight will be in two days, don't forget that."He nod with a small smile. „Yeah I know, thank you mom."

And with that Ni-ki went to meet Maki at the park as he dropped off the bags with his mom. On his way he thought about how to explain it to him, her best friend.

He entered the gate with his hands in his pockets, still deep in thoughts until Maki cleared his throat. Ni-ki looked up and saw him sitting on the bench, he sat next to him.

It was silent at first, a few seconds later spoke Maki up. „So? Care to explain why you're ignoring your girlfriend?" He sounded a little annoyed, but it wasn't his intention at all. He's just upset about his best friends boyfriend, ignoring her.

Ni-ki let out a deep breath, his hands never leaving his pockets. „So about that. I still love her, I never stopped loving her. It's just my mom told me a week ago that we're moving back to Japan. And I didn't know how to tell Y/n.."

Maki's eyebrows raised in shock. Dang this is not gonna end well. Maki watched Ni-ki, he looked frustrated and clueless. „So you're telling me you're moving back to Japan and you didn't know what to do, so you ignored her?"

Ni-ki sucked in a breath and nod slowly, guilt tripping over him. „Yeah.. I didn't know what to do, I can't act like we're not gonna be apart if I didn't ignore her. But I know ignoring her won't make it any better but it's too late anyway."

Maki crossed his arms over his chest, letting out a sigh as he looks up at the sky. „Well you should tell her before it's too late. She'll probably lose hope in love if you won't tell her, remember about the guy who dated her because of a bet?"

„I know but this is different, still I know I have to tell her." Maki looks at him and he tilted his head a little to have a better look at his face. „When will you go?"

Ni-ki looks at him too this time, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek due nervousness. „In two days." Maki's eyes widen and he sat straight up. „What?"

Ni-ki went silent, he knows and he regrets it for not telling her. He only has two days left, he knows. He knows it all and he feels guilty, sad, frustrated all at once. „You should tell her immediately! Now! Or you'll feel forever miserable, she deserves to know it."

„I know. I will tell her tonight.." His voice was a little shaky, quite as if he was whispering but Maki understood him. He stood up, standing in front of Ni-ki. „Good luck, please treat her well alright? Distance relationships may be hard but I'm sure you two can do it."

Maki tried to cheer him a little up, he wants the best for his best friend and automatically for Ni-ki as well even if it may sound surprising. Ni-ki stood up as well now and they both gave each other a handshake. „Thank you, Maki."


Later when his family would sleep he snuck out of his house and walked over to Y/n's. The air was cool and he had his hoodie on, hands kn his pockets and he was a little afraid but she deserves to know.

Soon he arrived and he took out his phone, it was currently 1 am and he called her.

Y/n was laying on bed and couldn't sleep at all, her mind always on Ni-ki. As she heard her phone buzz, she immediately took it and when she saw his name on her display her heart skipped a beat.

She picked up without thinking twice and sat up straight. „Ni-ki..?"

„Hey Y/n before I apologize, could you come down please? I need to tell you something." Her eyebrows furrow in confusion but she did as he told her.

Both were face to face now, Y/n felt cold so she had her arms crossed over her chest. Ni-ki took notice of it and took off his hoodie to hand her it. „Will you not be cold then?"

He shrugged and wave his hands as in 'it's fine'. „The T-Shirt is enough." Y/n then wrapped the hoodie around her, his smell hit her nose and oh how much she missed it. His smell, his smile, his touch, his everything.

„So.. what was it what you wanted to tell me? Why have you been ignoring me?" As Y/n asked him that he cleared his throat and took a deep breath before he spoke up.

He took a step closer and took her hands in his big ones. „Y/n I'm moving back to Japan."

I'm so sick of you  [Ni-ki x f!reader] - 니키Where stories live. Discover now