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He knows now

Author's POV

The next day Y/n stayed at home just like Taki had told her. She should rest for now, Taki is taking care of the stuff she's missing at school.

Taki wanted to head to his locker, informing Daniel who was in class waiting for him.

The hallways were empty, no one to be found until Taki heard two people fighting. As he got closer he recognised the voices immediately.

Ni-ki and his ex.

He wanted to know why they're arguing so he hid behind a locker not too far away of them but unnoticed.

„Are you fucking serious?" his voice angrier than usual.

„Is it that surprising? You know how much I love you and I would do everything for our relationship!" The ex girlfriend got teary even though she knew it wouldn't affect him at all.

„How stupid can you be? There is no relationship between us, we are nothing. You know really well how I am, you hurt Y/n only because of a shitty rumour. And even if it wasn't a rumour, you can't just fucking hurt someone because they found love."

He was sick of it, like really sick of it and of her. „Why would you say that? Do you like her?" she scoffed. She couldn't believe what he was saying of all people.

Taki was surprised too, him saying stuff like this? He called Y/n by her name. Unusual. Taki was even more shocked after he heard who hurt his friend.

„What if I am? If you have a problem, bear with it it's not my fault. You can nothing do about it, and if you try to hurt her again I swear I won't hold back just because you're a girl. Got it?" his voice even more strickt which gave her goosebumps.

She just looked angry at his eyes with hers being still teary, guess he really didn't care anymore. „I hope your plans with that bitch won't work out, you bastard."

He let out a chuckle and shook his head in amusement „Don't worry I'll make sure that it works out." with a scoff she walked away and wiped her tears away.

Ni-ki leaned against the lockers and he sighed. After realising what just happened and what he said, it hit him hard. He knows now that he not just liked Y/n. No he really started to love her. To love someone, finally.

Why didn't he noticed it sooner? He wasn't the type of guy who noticed a girl that fast. It was like love at first sight.

All the bully he did and teasing, trying to get her jealous, he did that because he was already in love with her. He just didn't know.

„Fuck what is happening to me?" he smiled to himself as he looked down, getting all shy by himself.

Taki saw that and had to laugh so hard but he had to hold it back. „I'll definitely should tell Daniel."

With that Ni-ki headed back to the classroom and Taki could finally go to his locker.


Finally it's lunchtime and Taki found seats with Daniel. As soon as they sat down Taki started with „Daniel I'm telling you, Ni-ki has changed."

He looked confused „What do you mean by that? He's still the same." Taki chuckled „No you don't understand. He found out that he has a crush on Y/n."

His eyes widened and he chocked on his food that he only had a few seconds in his mouth. Taki patted his back and laughed.

Once he was done coughing „What the fuck did you just said?" Taki sighs and takes a sip of his water. „I mean it, he has a crush on Y/n and he knows it."

„And how do you know that?" Daniel looked at his friend with curious eyes.

„I saw him with his girlfriend, well I suggest ex girlfriend since they were firstly fighting and secondly," he took a deep breath.

„Ni-ki said that they have no relationship. Anyway he was defending her and he, I quote: „Even if it wasn't a rumour, you can't just fucking hurt someone because they found love." said that to her."

Daniels eyes widened once again and his hand went up to his closed mouth. „I know right? And not to forget, how he realised that he likes her. He was like „Oh my god what is happening to me?" and got so shy. It was so funny damn, should've seen it for yourself."

Daniel furrowed his eyebrows now and looked over to Ni-ki where he sat with his friends. He pointed at him and looked to Taki „You mean this guy? Are you sure?" Taki nod in response „Wow well that took me by surprise."

„Yeah but hey, it's something good no? He would finally stop of being an ass." Daniel laughed at that.

„Are we gonna tell Y/n or no?" Taki waved his hand „Nah he'll kill us if Y/n knows it from us."



Y/n's mom bought her food for her to eat. She was worried of course after she came home yesterday.

„Thank you mom." Y/n smiled to her. She pats her head and strokes her hair carefully „If you need anything else just let me know alright?"

Y/n hummed in response and nod. Her mom gave her a kiss on her forehead and left the room.

Y/n started to eat and thought about Maki as well. They haven't talked yet but she's planning on calling him over so they can clear things up.

Maki couldn't really concentrate in school, his mind always by Y/n. He definitely was going to apologise again and talk to her.

In one thing he was sure, he finally understood that he liked Y/n more than just best friends and he's willing to tell her that. He thinks she has the right to know but he won't force her to an answer.

That's because he knows his best friend well, he knows and noticed that she liked Ni-ki, even if it's weird for him to understand why him.

He even once asked himself: „Why is she always into bad guys?"

Besides he doesn't want things to be awkward between the two, he doesn't want to loose her as her best friend. Someone he cares for and shared the most beautiful memories with.

Y/n later on did in fact called Maki to come over and after a few hours he came.

As the doorbell rang her mother opened the door for him. „Oh my! Hello Maki how have you been?" she greeted him and welcomed him with a warm hug.

He was in her embrace and hugged her politely back „I've been good and you?" she broke the hug and patted his back.

„We've been good too! Y/n is upstairs and still resting a little. She's better than yesterday though, hopefully she can go to school tomorrow again." Y/n's mom shared a smile and he nod in response.

„Please let me know if you guys need something okay?" her mother asked him „Will do thank you!"

He walked up the stairs and knocked on the door „Come in."

As he opened the door he smiled, happy to see her and ready to clean things up.

„You know, we need to talk."

I'm so sick of you  [Ni-ki x f!reader] - 니키Where stories live. Discover now