5:why he did that?

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Do you think that I'll leave you that easily *smirk* never______________________________________

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Do you think that I'll leave you that easily *smirk* never

Y/n:*so finally I'm infront of my home.now I'm scared of that boy my so called sunbae ahh y/n just get inside*

*Knock knock*

*Jennie come and open the door while y/n was breathing heavily*

Jennie:why so late y/n and why you are breathing heavily what happen you come by bus or not tell m--

*She said in one breathe*

y/n:s-stop unnie yes I come from bus an-d I'm tired
*Breathing heavily*

Jennie:o-ok but wait,where is your bagpack?

*Y/n look at her side and saw her empty hand

Y/n:*omo I forget the bag because if him but I'll not tell to unnie that he misbehave with me yeah*

Y/n:ah-h unnie i forget the bag in school beca-use i forget yeah
*Nervous laugh*

*Jennie feel something suspicious but let it go cuz after all she is her sister*

Jennie'o-ok come in!


*Y/n ran towards her room not caring about anything while Jennie shouted*



*She shouted back,while climbing the stairs*

At y/n room

*Y/n is talking to herself as she is feeling so much scared*

Y/n:ahhh I don't feel like eating but wait how will I go to school I kicked him how will I go?!? I'm scared

*She went towards her mirror and touched her lips. Her lips were still bloodshed.she feel like she can't save herself.she went towards her bed and sit on it helding her knees she started to cry really hard while thinking about the past as she has never went through any situation like this*

Y/n:wh-y sun-b-ae did tha-t?
*She asked to herself like a baby while hiccuping badly*

*After some talking with herself she slept while hugging her small teddy

At kitchen

Jennie:*why she didn't come yet let me check*

*She went upstairs to check on her sister.

At y/n room

Jennie:omo she is sleeping is she sick?let me check

*She went towards her and put her hand on her forehead and it was burning*

Jennie:omgg she is burning*panick* i have to give her medecine let me wake her up.

Jennie:y/n baby wake up baby???

*She said while shaking her a little*

*Y/n slowly open her eyes wile rubbing them slowly she sits and look at her sister*

Y/n: y-es unnie?
*Sleepy voice*

Jennie:y/n you will not eat anything?

Y/n-no don't fe-el like eat-ing

Jennie:atleast take some medecine you are burning.

*Jennie took medecine from side drawer and grab a glass and pour some water in it and have it to her*


*Y/n took it and slowly gulp it*

Jennie:atleast eat some food baby?!!

Y/n:n-oo I have eat-en food out with m-y new friends
*She lied*

Jennie:ok ok then now sleep and if you feel like eating,come to me ok?!


*Jennie went out while thinking something deeply while y/n slept again*

At morning

Sorry for updating sooooo late actually I'm studying hard for my next exam so please tell me how it's going cuz it's motivate me to make more if this💜💜💜

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