62. New Bonds

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Friends can brighten your life with their mere existence and Nimrit was blessed with the best in Swarnbhoomi. Her friends were happy with her achievement and there was not an ounce of jealousy. Nivedya and Nimrit behaved more like friends than lovers, teasing and pulling each other's legs was their favourit game. However, Nimrit won the battle usually because she was smart and witty but above all Nivedya loved the shine of victory in her eyes.

Nivedya asked Nimrit if he could drop her home after the party and she gladly agreed. She also wanted some alone time with her handsome boyfriend. After their friends left they decided to go for a walk along the river near the café. An armed security guard followed them much to their dislike, but it was essential considering the threats the royals were facing.

Nimrit loved the way Nivedya held her hand so delicately but authoritatively. She could see he was quiet, and somewhere she knew the reason too. "Nivi, you will always be my hero. The one who promised to be my shield from any danger."

Nivedya smiled inwardly because, in a short span of time, Nimrit understood him like no one else. She figured easily that the appreciation Hans received for handling the situation that involved Nimrit, affected him and she was considerate enough to cheer him up by saying sweet words of acknowledgement.

Nivedya gave a lingering kiss on Nimrit's forehead after which they were lost looking into each other's eyes. The security guard with Nivedya cleared his throat breaking their moment.

Nimrit felt shy, so, she suggested, "We should go, it is getting late."

Nivedya agreed, but pulled her close and engulfed her in a hug. Nimrit was taken by surprise but the feel of Nivedya's body against hers gave her a tantalising feeling.

"You look super cute in this dress. Jumpsuits suit you better than those shorts that don't help me keep sane." Nivedya whispered in her ears not wanting the guard to hear their conversation.

Nimrit giggled at his conversational trick and said, "You look wow too. Honestly, it was difficult for me to keep sane with you dressed up like this."

Nivedya broke their hug and asked her, "What what you do if you go insane?"

Nimrit widened her eyes at Nivedya's question. She opened her mouth to say something but couldn't frame a decent answer. Nivedya laughed at her state and Nimrit hit him playfully. He ran to escape from her punches and the security guard found it hard to keep up with them.

They sat inside the car and drove to Nimrit's home. Nivedya was still laughing at Nimrit even though she warned him not to. Their banter continued in the car too. Happy hearts are peaceful hearts.

Before Nimrit got down from the car she gestured for Nivedya to bend towards her and in a very soft voice she told him, "Mr Rajvanshi you shall not be able to handle the insane me. It shows well in your pants." Nimrit gave him a quick kiss near his ear leaving him in a state of daze.

Only when the car was back in motion, Nivedya realised Nimrit had got down, and they were heading to the palace. Nivedya looked down and he swore to never wear well-fitted pants with Nimrit around. It was embarrassing but thrilling too. The name he gave to Nimrit, a bag of mixed firecrackers was right. She could burst in any way she chose.

Nivedya loved the gossip sessions in the night with his brothers. After a lot of courage and thinking over the pros and cons, he asked Arya how he could not feel aroused, "visibly".

For at least ten minutes Nivedya's question was a reason of laughter for his elder brothers, but they couldn't offer him a solution. "You just have to control. I mean there is no other way. Or just be smart enough that she doesn't observe your treacherous dick." Arya's suggestion made Maan and Abhedya laugh harder and spill the drinks in their hands.

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