Episode 19: The Fairy's Dark Power

Start from the beginning

Lykha cries out, "Mury!"

He throws the flare forward of himself, quickly sliding to a stop as he dives to the ground.

And, he throws a blanket over himself from where it was still laying in the sand.

The acid rains down in a broad shower, aimed at the flare mostly, but easily including Mury in its area of effect.

Mury only waits a second or so, quickly throwing the smoking and dissolving blanket off of himself. He quickly surveys his surroundings, digging in his gear bag.

The silveryourd holds its position, which gives it a strong command over the area.

Lykha flies quickly to Coco and Gyrryth to check on them; "Are you okay!?" Her gaze only briefly leaves Mury as he runs through the acid-soaked sand to leave the area.

He makes it just in time for one of the mortars to explode near him, throwing him to the side in a tumble.

Lykha and Coco both scream, "MURY!"

The human warrior scrambles to his feet, clutching his ribs, but still moving to escape the chemical cloud that the mortar exploded. Both acids and bases are highly corrosive, but the mortar is a much smaller volume, comparatively, than what the silveryourd can spit.

The large monster snorts and grumbles in apparent surprise, trying to figure out what just happened in its reptilian brain. A fountain sprayed out of the ground without warning.

Lykha checks on the two again, "Gyrryth? Coco?" Gyrryth grunts, "I will survive, but I am out of lightning spells for now. We may need to devise a chance to retreat."

Lykha gasps. She looks to her first human friend. Mury's movements are taking him further and further from the sand cruiser as he tries to control the focus of the silveryourd.

Coco asks worriedly, "Can'ne these monstys air-cruise?"

Gyrryth is silent for a moment. Lykha realizes the implication; even in the sand cruiser, they may not escape.

She tenses when she looks at the silveryourd when it steadies itself once more; it's front-right leg is on the tooth Gyrryth was posted on, and which is still rigged to explode.

She points, "Gyrryth!" She can't see the fuse herself or she'd light it, but he says quickly, "I am on it."

He draws his remaining fire pistol, chanting the spell to illuminate the spellduster. He aims and fires, and the silveryourd notices the glow in time to look.

The shot hits its mark, though, and the explosives detonate, breaking the tooth free under the silveryourd's weight. The massive weight of the silveryourd falls forward, but it doesn't fall completely from the jaw.

Still, it comes very, very close, dangling from the edge as it tries to heft itself back up onto the jaw.

Gyrryth states, "That will about finish my magic for now."

Lykha looks at Mury, who is pulling the last of the mortars out of the sand, panting and shifting in obvious pain from the last impact.

The silveryourd's powerful claw slips for a moment as it tries to pull itself up, but it's still hanging on.

Lykha runs through everything she can think of. She's not a monster hunter -not yet-. She's trying, but she needs more. She understands the basic goal right now; prevent the silveryourd from escaping and keep it from going on the offensive. Controlling the monster is relatively easy when the proper preparations are made.

Mury starts to head towards the silveryourd, headed for a position of the gryduke's carcass where he can climb.

He intends to attempt his solo strategy.

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