Episode 15: Murtoa of Lakia vs Murtoa of Lakia

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Some believe a name is all a person has with any real value. It is their very definition in the world; how the world sees them, how people speak of them, and the legacy of their existence when they pass.

To some, a name is as good as gold when making deals. It carries with it reputation, and that reputation can be exchanged for tangible goods and favor.

One man possesses a legendary name in a world full of monsters. He is the slayer of those monsters, regardless of what they are. He fears nothing and can defeat anything that brings dread or terror to the innocent.

And, he never mentions his name unless he's asked.

Another man bears the name at every chance he gets, living in the shadow of the legend, but reaping the benefits of the fame.

One has a beat up helmet, scrapped-together armor pieces on his arms and legs, and a shovel in his hands.

The other has a legendary sword -probably enhanced by magic-, shining, polished armor splattered with blood and dirt from only the most recent events, and a long flowing knight's cape.

Everyone else present is rooting for the man with the shovel; the true owner of a legendary knight's name. Especially rooting for him is the young fairy named Lykha.


Several more poor-looking villagers with basic tools have been cut down as they march through town. They find the group, consisting of a bunch more of the villagers armed with simple tools as a crazed human warrior holds a dagger to a young woman's neck with his sword across her chest.

Lykha whispers, "You tracked him here... didn't you?"

"I hoped to tell him the job's done."

The man holding the hostage is none other than the imposter calling himself Murtoa of Lakia.

Coco whispers, "'E's a goob, sure, but why this?"

Maerin replies softly, "Wealth and power make people monsters."

Lykha asks Mury, "Mury... W-will you help her?"

"No." He looks at the trio. "I'll deal with him, though."

She smiles. "I understand. Coco, try to get me as close as possible. And when I start saying my spell, cover your eyes."

Coco nods.

Imposter Murtoa shouts ferociously, "I'M DONE PLAYING THIS GAME! TELL ME WHERE IT IS NOW, OR SHE DIES!"

"We don't know! Please, sir! Calm down!"

"I know where it is." Mury steps forward with the shovel. "I was on my way to tell you."

"Really? You must think I'm stupid."

"On my way to dig it up now."

Murtoa stares at Mury with hateful and skeptical eyes. The warrior takes his normal stance; "If you're busy, I'll be going now. Just thought I'd do the courtesy." Mury starts to turn away, and Murtoa growls, still refusing to release the woman. The imposter keeps the woman close, and some of the villagers accusingly accost Mury.

But, even Lykha can see what he did. Murtoa's focus is now entirely on the mysterious man wearing a beaten up helmet.

This gives Coco the opportunity to move to the front of the crowd, and Lykha murmurs her spell quickly, readying her hands.

She claps them together, flashing the blinding light.

Surprisingly, Maerin flies forward using her wings. Most of the villagers and Murtoa flinch from being blinded. It won't last long, but it allows enough time for Maerin to reach the dagger. The mature fairy, who has no reason to get involved, bites the man's hand, causing him to sling his hand away.

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