Chapter 15 The Light and the Dark

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"The preparations are glorious," Not-Krushem remarked before his goals flashed in his mind and he hid a cruel smile from Lilith. "Just let me take care of everything."

And then it was like Krushem was himself again except suddenly his vision had blurred and then he stumbled. He tried to find his footing but it was as if he'd suddenly found himself falling into an endless void he couldn't escape from. He smelt blood and then he could taste it, but his surroundings were pitch black and he was flailing his limbs, falling faster and faster—

That's when Krushem startled awake, screams echoing in his skull before he struggled to shove the nightmare away.

But forgetting such a nightmare was easier said than done.

Krushem rubbed his eyes and sat up, finding that it looked to be late afternoon. Sunlight filtered through the treetops, but he shied away from the light and rose unsteadily to his feet.

It was the morning after Krushem had failed to kill Kei. After losing Kei in the woods, he'd went back to the bar to drink some more, furious at himself for not catching Kei. Then, he'd stumbled drunkenly back to his camp and passed out, only to have that stupid dream.

It'd been a while since one of Krushem's nightmares had shook him up that bad. But It wasn't the screams and the bloodiness of it that shook Krushem. No, it was the fact that he had been taken over by someone else—Roman, was it? Somehow, it was like In the dream Krushem had become this Roman guy for a moment. In that moment, Krushem had had no control over himself and then there was the woman, Lilith.

As far as Krushem knew, Lilith was apart of the Demonian Tribe of witches and of course knew Elaine. Plus, she was in love with this Roman guy, one of Krushem's ancestors, except Roman apparently didn't love her back.

Roman obviously had had ill intentions towards Lilith and yet Lilith was presumably unaware and loved him. For an instant, Krushem felt a strange sense of connection towards Lilith. After all, Krushem knew what it was like to love someone and have that someone not love you back.

Just the thought of the Raven made an image flash into Krushem's mind; Not the image of the raven haired boy with his signature smirk and violet eyes, but rather the image of his skeletal remains laying in a dug up grave on Necro Ridge.

Krushem couldn't get rid of that image but he wanted to rid himself of it so badly in order to not feel. So he did what he always did and started towards Kewinsky's Bar, only to halt in his tracks when he realized that his bag of gold was unmistakably empty.

Krushem realized he must've spent the remainder of his money last night at the bar after having lost sight of Kei.

Krushem felt a sense of urgency and great disparity as if not having any money was the worst thing that could possibly happen to him. And to him, it was the worst thing that could happen to him. No money meant no alcohol. Krushem couldn't buy his drinks without stupid gold, and without his drinks, his heart would betray him. He would be weak instead of strong. Emotional instead of numb.

Krushem could not have that! He would not be burdened by things he'd rather forget. He would not remember and feel. Feelings were weak. Boys didn't cry.

Luckily though, Krushem was a thief, and he certainly knew some employers who'd be willing to hire him on such short notice. Besides, Kewinsky's Bar was mostly occupied by no-gooders and thieves and such. It was a hotspot for thieve hiring.

Krushem hurried to Kewinsky's then, entering into the building with such haste that he practically slammed the door open. At the loud commotion, bar patrons turned their heads to stare at him but Krushem paid them no mind—all except one that is.

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