Chapter 9 Anywhere but Here

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"Krushem brought the knife down. The blade sliced into his skin, opening up a cut into his flesh. Krushem felt an utter sense of dread at the sight of the blood oozing from the cut, soaking his skin in crimson. If he could still bleed, he was still alive."

Chapter 9 Anywhere but Here

A warm liquid lapped at Krushem's arm, soaking his shirt. He struggled to pry open his eyes and when he did, he found that the world was dark. He started to get up, but found he was already standing.

Disoriented, Krushem stumbled forward, holding his hands in front of him to try to find something to hold onto in the darkness. But there was nothing.

He searched in vain through the darkness. But it seemed as if he'd been sucked up in an endless void, blinded and alone.

Suddenly, a dripping sound drew Krushem forward and he caught glimpse of a light. He slunk towards it, quietly, alertly, as if whatever lay beyond that light was a threat he had to take account of.

As he tiptoed towards the light, he heard a cacophony of voices. He listened whilst reaching for the light, so close now that he could make out the voices more clearly.

"You're going to do great, Lilith," the first voice murmured, voice angelic. "Do not fret."

Krushem recognized that voice. It sounded like Elaine, except her voice here was much more compassionate—timid rather than stiff.

Another voice responded, belonging to another woman, tone tinged with emotion; "I know, Lainey. I will not fret now. Not on this day. Today will be prosperous for all of us. The future is a bright one."

Krushem braced himself as he stepped into the light. For a moment, the light enveloped him, making him screw his eyes shut from the blinding glare.

But when Krushem opened his eyes, he found he was in the same scene he'd found himself in in so many of the other nightmares he'd endured.

It was the field of flowers, colors ranging from green to pink to orange and all the other colors one could think of, a field of color, reflecting that of a rainbow.

There was two figures crouched to the ground, almost hidden by the long stalks of grass as they plucked the flowers from the earth. One of the figures stood and it was a woman Krushem didn't recognize. The woman's hair was like spun gold and pinned up in an intricate braid crown, and she donned a flowing pearl colored dress adorned with hundreds of white beads.

The woman must've been Lilith. That's what Elaine had called her.

And then there was Krushem's witch herself, having stood up to her full height, a bouquet of flowers clutched in one hand.

But Elaine looked different here. Her hair was the same midnight black, but it was pulled back in a messy bun. There was a warm glow to her skin, and instead of her eyes being the color of rubies, they were shockingly blue.

Not only that but Elaine was wearing a dress too, something Krushem had never seen his witch wear before.

Lilith was smiling, radiating warmth, her gaze fixated on Elaine. Elaine smiled back, and the both of them laughed before they hooked arms. They didn't seem to notice Krushem spying on them. They didn't acknowledge his presence whatsoever as they moved past him, and he turned around to watch them go.

What was this? Krushem had dreamt of drowning in blood and of being lost in the dark. He'd dreamt of so much, but never had be dreamt of two girls picking flowers from a field.

Plus, why would he ever dream of Elaine looking innocent, so unlike the witch he knew?

Krushem was curious as to why this dream was so different from the rest, so he went to follow the girls, not bothering to be quiet.

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