Chapter 14 Gutted

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"He wanted Aric to want him as much as he'd wanted Japeth."

Chapter 14 Gutted

Krushem arrived back to his camp to find Armeq waiting for him.

Krushem was surprised to see Armeq there, recalling their discussion about Aric when they'd gone to Necro Ridge.

Armeq supposably hated who Krushem had become. Armeq had disapproved of Krushem hurting that grave digger. And somehow here and now, Armeq was here waiting for Krushem despite them parting ways back on Necro Ridge a day ago.

It'd taken Krushem almost a day's ride to get back to camp from Necro Ridge. He'd stopped at a bar he found on the road and drank.

Armeq was leaning against a tree trunk when Krushem arrived back at his camp, and for a moment Armeq didn't seem to even acknowledge Krushem's presence as Krushem tied his horse to a tree branch.

"Did you return to berate me?" Krushem questioned, settling on the ground and crossing his legs.

Armeq finally looked at Krushem and he shrugged as if he didn't know the answer to that question.

"I know I can't get through to you. Try as I might, you'll never believe what I try to say to you," Armeq said at last, seeming to admit defeat. He shook his head, his black hair falling into his face before he brushed his hair back in place with his dirtied fingers.

"Oh, so you came here to take back all that you said," Krushem scoffed, raising his eyebrow in disbelief. "Yeah, right. Nice damn try, Armeq. What are you really doing here?"

"I didn't just help you out of the 'kindness of my own heart.' I did it cause I want my cut. Who told you to retrieve Aric's dagger, huh?" Armeq responded, crossing his arms.

Krushem rolled his eyes. He reached into his bag and touched Aric's dagger. The blade was dirtied, caked with rust that peeled off when Krushem scraped his fingernails across the surface.

"Japeth, the Liege of Camelot. He knew Aric. They were together," Krushem informed Armeq, hearing the disdain slip into his tone. "He hired me to steal Aric's whip and I got a lot of money for that."

Armeq was quiet, taking in Krushem's words before he spoke up; "Are you sure it's just the gold you're after and not something else?"

Krushem found his fingers wrapping tightly around the leather bound handle of Aric's dagger as if he believed once more that it would give him strength. He still had his reservations about handing Aric's dagger over to Japeth.

Krushem had only gone to Aric's grave in the first place to see if the damn dagger was even there to begin with. It wasn't fair that Japeth had a piece of Aric to hold onto when Krushem had nothing.

Krushem still didn't want to give Aric's dagger to Japeth but ultimately he knew that he needed something from Japeth. Krushem had heard of the One True King rumors, and he needed confirmation from Japeth that that was the truth.

Armeq was right. Krushem wanted something more than just Japeth's gold; He wanted things to go back to how they were. He wanted Aric back. He wanted to follow Aric and torture with Aric like they did back at the School for Boys.

But most of all, Krushem just wanted Aric to see him as Japeth saw Aric. He wanted Aric to want him as much as he'd wanted Japeth.

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