From another building, Leo heard Casey shouting outside and looked out the window. Leo narrowed his eyes and quickly grabbed the hilts of his swords when he saw someone else, watching Casey in another building. Leo ran through the window and crashed into the other building, but the mysterious person was gone. Donnie, Yuuki quickly ran over to him when they heard the noise.

"Easy on the windows, Leo. It's just an exercise." Donnie told him.

"I thought I saw something. Something that wasn't Michelangelo. It was just right here." Leo answered.

"You saw something?-" Yuuki wondered as well. She knew that Leo had been tense lately but he wasn't crazy to be making stuff up.

"Wow, Mikey, that is the worst hiding place ever." The group heard Raph's voice outside. They quickly ran out and saw Casey with Raph. In front of them was a pile of rubble. It was shaking.

"That is just sad." Casey replied.

"And unsanitary." Donnie said.

"Game over, Mikey. Come on out." Raph kicked the pile of rubble. Swarms of rats rushed out and everyone quickly moved out of the way. "Rats?!"

"I think we've found your ghost, Leo." Donnie replied.

"Maybe." Leo murmured.

Mikey hopped into another building as he ran. "Okay, so they're getting closer. A little too close! No problemo, the record's just 15 minutes and it's already been.." He pulled out his shell cell to look at the timer. "Three in a half? Aw, man!" Then something shot past the turtle and Mikey immediately stopped in his tracks.

"Leo? Raph?" Mikey questioned. "You know, I'm supposed to be the stealth guy here, right? Right!?" He looked around nervously. Mikey pulled out his nunchucks. "Anybody there? Ali?" Mikey felt a sharp hit to the back of his head and his vision went completely dark.

Mikey groaned and slowly opened his eyes. He tried to move his arms and legs only to find out he was tied down to a board. In front of him, Mikey saw a man completely covered in bandages. He smirked as he stared Mikey down with a twisted grin on his face.

"Who the shell are you?" Mikey questioned. The strange man laughed. Mikey nervously laughed along with him.

"No, seriously, dude." Mikey said.

The man didn't answer him and walked away, leaving Mikey in the room alone.

"Um, mister psycho guy?-!" Mikey screamed. Countless of hungry rats started to swarm the room and began to rush towards him.

Outside, the others were looking for Mikey, still unable to find him.

"Anything?!" Raph called out.

"Nothing!" Donnie answered.

"I almost had him!" Casey shouted.

"I looked everywhere, guys. But couldn't find him." Yuuki said.

"It isn't like Mikey to be this good at stealth hunter. We usually find him in the first two minutes." Raph said.

"You don't think he's got himself into some sort of trouble, do you?" Yuuki asked, worried. Alopex frowned as well.

"Wanna bet he cheated? He's probably back in the Battle Shell playing videogames, right now!" Casey said.

"It isn't right!" Leo snapped.

"Relax, Master Leo, Casey's just joking." Raph said. Leo shook his head.

"Not that. We're being followed." Leo explained. Then everyone saw something dart across from them.

"Mikey?" Casey called out. An evil laugh bellowed out.

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