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      Cut off completely, washed away. Forgotten, moved along.
      Rinse, wash, repeat, pretend it didn't happen. Tear at each other's throats like feral beasts, eyes, gleaming, red with hunger. Intense anger filling your throat at waterfall speed, with just as much force. Bottled down rage,
      was bound to explode. Shattered on the ground.

      How can something, someone, that relationship, fall apart so fast? So much rich history, down the drain.
      To come together, so slowly, only to disintegrate.

      Don't forget. Never forget. All those things dear. They're important. Appreciate every little thing, and the journey you're on. They matter.

      You don't know it'll be there tomorrow.

September 27th, 2023

Dreaming (Poetry Collection 2021~)Where stories live. Discover now