I'm Not Alone

16 4 2

Sitting here, looking at the view
It feels so special, the breeze so fresh and new
The sun shines through the clouds, the seagulls sit together on the sand dunes
The plants grow through the sands,
And the tide slowly ebbs away

I want to sink my toes in the mud, and walk far, far away
It's a sight beyond beauty, and could warm any heart

...Maybe it will help take my worry away
Worry for the future, worry for tomorrow
For now I sit and write, to get these feelings out

Maybe I'll feel better later...
I feel it's too much sometimes
Like I'm alone, surrounded by people
Despite having love
Despite having support
Despite not being alone
Despite knowing I'm not alone

...I still feel alone

~April 26th, 2022
Do you ever feel this way?~

Dreaming (Poetry Collection 2021~)Where stories live. Discover now