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I never thought I'd feel this way...
Why was I ever worried?
I guess I just got scared, of letting you down
Insecure, that my feelings weren't clear
That's probably why I hadn't yet said it
I didn't want those words to leave my mouth
not until I was 100% sure they'd be true
Guess I didn't have to worry
You already knew and were waiting patiently
Now I make sure to tell you, every chance I get
I don't need to worry about authenticity anymore
Cuz I know it's true, and want you to know that, too
I love you

~June 8th, 2022
Hello all! I want to thank you for reading this far, I really appreciate it! More than you know. Just wanted to say thanks! Don't forget to vote, and comment!~

Dreaming (Poetry Collection 2021~)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora