Chapter 7 Are you thinking what I'm thinking? (Strings POV)

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‘What does she look like?’ I chirped, this was interesting to see Red like this…

‘Uh- Really nice long red hair… Green eyes… she’s into rock so she wears a lot of that- she’s been at our gigs a few times.’

A few…’ Red muttered sourly.

‘She sounds nice. Bring her around tomorrow?’ I asked. Oh, boy… Red didn’t look too happy.


Red stormed past to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Me and Drummer exchanged odd looks.

‘Uh, what’s up with Red?’

‘He has girl troubles…’ Drummer covered for him, ‘A bit jealous, I think…’

‘Oh.’ She said and walked after him, ‘I’ll say sorry- I didn’t mean to rub it in his face…’

Me and Drummer were left alone to gape at one another.

‘What was with that?’ I asked him.

‘I dunno… I kinda hope he knows Chris isn’t a guy…’

I straightened up, ‘You know too?’ He nodded unsuprised that I knew as well, ‘And you knew I knew?’

‘Yup.’ He said, ‘Obviously, you would.’

‘Hey- what’s that suppose to mean?’ I scowled.

He laughed, ‘C’mon, you’ve got a radar for them. You’re that notch-on-your-bedpost kind of guy after all…’

True, 78 and counting. I sighed, ‘Then do you know who she really is?’

‘I knew from the moment she walked in the first time…’ He sighed back, ‘Crystal Sparrow… Did you put two and two together once Red said Ray taught her?’

‘Yeah…’ I looked to the floor… ‘But Red’s naïve and really, really stupid…’

Drummer nodded. ‘I think there is a chance… he could be falling for Chris.

Shadow mask by Ray Everson and Jack Keaner

I'm in the spotlight,

Pull my helmet down.

I’m in your headlights,

So, turn your car around.

I'm in the moonlight,

So, bring up the sun.

I'm in the sunlight,

Now that night has gone.

I'm in your head,

And im not getting out.

Wont matter if you scream or shout.

You’ve got ambition,

While I have a dream-

Mixing lightning,

Rays and beams.

And I’ve got a really, really re-ee-eal frustration,

Cause I've got a really, really re-ee-eal imagination.

Show me the stars!

Show me the stories!

Show me your heart,

Through the movies!

Spell it in words!

Shape it in lights!

Through the shadowmask,

Show me your life.

I’m in the red-light,

So, don’t open my eyes.

I'm in the highlight,

And very surprised.

I'm in the floodlight,

And I'm beginning to drown,

I’m in your search lights,

And I'm glad I’ve been found.

And I’ve got a really, really re-ee-eal aggravation

Cause I’ve got a really, really re-ee-eal imagination.

Show me the stars!

Show me the stories!

Show me your heart,

Through the movies!

Spell it in words!

Shape it in lights!

Through the shadowmask,

Show me your life.

Im in the spotlight.

Im in your headlights.

Im in the highlight,

Im in your searchlight.

And I've got a really, really re-ee-eal determination.

Cause I've got a really, really re-ee-eal imagination.

Show me the stars!

Show me the stories!

Show me your heart,

Through the movies!

Spell it in words!

Shape it in lights!

Through the shadowmask,

Show me your li-I-ife!

Show me your stars!

Show me your stories!

Show me your heart,

Through the movies!

Spell it in words,

Shape your whole life!

Through the shadowmask,

Show me your light!

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