20.Strong desire

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I breathe in for long moments
i don't know if I'm exhaling what I'm inhaling
I walk the whole shoreline
; Waves looks huddling waiting for me to thaw
Wish if i can hug them all and disappear and be one with them
Feeling salt all over my wounds
My heart is full of letters
i don't know how to shape them into words
  Just the way waves scream
Like a rock forcely fastened on my chest
I smile ..
It isn't comfy as it widen at every crowded
new page
I know most of my smile is a big lie
Now it's obvious in the frows between my  brows                                                                           I have a strong desire of crying
But I'm afraid of that knock on my door
..I'm afraid to pause my cry
with a puffy red nose
With red swollen eyes
  I don't want to mute my gasps now that I started

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