Injoy it smg4

371 6 4

( last update 7-26-23  the amount of words my phone Auto corrects bc they don't know the names saiko or kazio also we hit 2k reads!! Btw I'm taking a two week break more context on my Arthur's note and the bottom of the chapter!)

(3 and 4 are in the rv)
Smg4- hey 3
Smg4-im sorry I didn't tell them earlier I was just paranoid that they would think I was joking.and I didn't think they wouldn't like it that were together at so sor-
Smg3- four it's fine I just told them no one is making fun of us. And if they don't like it just ignore them it's your life not there's.
(alright let's move on I don't wanna make this even sader than it already is bc I hate writing against 😘)

Smg4- everyone get in the rv before we're late
Smg3- uh four?
Smg4- yeah
Smg3- where's smg1 and smg2?

(As soon as three said that 1 and 2 jumped out of a portal that 1 opened)
Smg1-sorry we're late 2 didn't want to get up
Smg2- don't blame me it's a Sunday!

Smg3- just get in already we don't wanna be late.
(4  is driving and 3 is in the passenger seat next to him telling him the directions on we're to go ps: they will switch seats every hour and a half )

Smg3- alright we're here we do have to share rooms tho-
Mario- seriously?!
Smg3- did you pay for a room?
Mario- no😒
Smg3- so your sharing a room with someone
Mario- fine☹️

Smg3- okay pick who you wanna stay with
( this is who they picked  Meggy-tari , Boopkins-bob
Kaizo-sakio, melody-Karen, Mario-Luigi, swag-Chris, smg1-smg2, smg3- smg4.           
I tryed my best okay)

( they get there room keys in the lobby and go to there rooms and start to unpack except Meggy,tari,smg3 and smg4)

Smg4- wow this is bigger than I expected
3 how did you afford all of this for us ?
Smg3- well I been streaming more lately and I saved money to afford this trip for every one!
Smg4- let's leave our things here and let's go explore the cruse!
( they left there bags and eggdog. and went to the lobby)

Smg4-  hey guys!
Meggy and tari- hey 4 and 3
Smg4- where's everyone else?
Smg3- I think there unpacking every thing
Meggy- did you guys unpacked?
Smg3- no we just left them in the room with eggdog ( of course, they left him food and water)
Tari- same i want to explore I never been on a cruise before!
Smg4- me too! this is my first time on a crew
Smg4- so what do you guys wanna do?
Tari- i know let's go explore and play in the arcade!
Smg3- woah there's an arcade here I didn't know that
Meggy- yeah we saw it when we went to the doc in our room
Smg3 and smg4- alright let's go!

Arthur's note- hey guys I had no motivation to write bc of writers block thank go I had this chapter already written down so ima take a little break! As always thank you for reading this chapter!

                                  ( words 539!)

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