Hey eggdog!

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3rd pov:
Smg3 went back to the internet graveyard we went straight to the Starbucks and saw eggdog. Eggdog was excited to see 3 after hours smg3: come here egg dog it getting let's let's go on a walk
3rd pov: egg dog got excited three went to get the leash to walk eggdog. Eggdog couldn't hide his expression on how excited he was smg3: eggdog chill we have all day. if you calm down I'll buy you some treats.
3rd pov: and that's all it took to calm eggs down they started walking in to the park he saw kid bullying someone he Decided to step in
Smg3: Hey what are you doing?!
Bully: none of your business old man
(3 got really offended because of that)
Smg3: don't ever talk to an adult like that young man
Bully: so what are you got to do
(Smg3 was about to snap and grabbed the kid he was about to hit him but the little kid stoped him)
Kid: hey I'm fine let him go
Smg3: why can't you see he's making fun of you he can't just walk over you?!
Kid: what but still!
3rd pov: 3 realized what he almost did and let the kid ran away
Smg3: sorry i almost snapped
Kid: it's fine thanks for protecting me
Smg3: it's alright (he did care and he cared because he never had someone to thank him on what he did.. not even his parents..)
Kid: uh hello?
Smg3: huh? oh sorry I spaced out
Kid: anyways bye!
Smg3: hey wait!
(The kid turned around when he was about to leave) Kid:yeah?
Smg3: what's your name just curious ?
Kid: it's Cristopher
Smg3: well Cristopher I hope to see you in the future
Cristopher: you too!

3rd pov: after that the kid left and three went home with egg dog. Egg dog was tried but 3 kept his promise and bought eggdog treats from a store
Smg3: alright egg dog let's go home( egg dog was so tried he could barely walk)
Smg3: alright I'll cary you home
3rd pov: three and egg dog get home. Eggdog fell asleep in threes hands
Smg3: oh he fell asleep let me lay him down
3rd pov: three went to the kitchen and but the snake in his pantry so when eggdog wakes up he will give him some.

Arthur's note: New character?👀  (just for your knowledge English isn't my first language so my spelling is horrible.)
Thank you for reading this episode! I'm going to add 4 and the gang in next ep!! 453 words! in this ep (if you read this!)

( last update 7-7-23 tbh I forgot abt him 💀 poor Cristopher 😞)

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