Sorry smg4..

484 8 2

(Last update 7-7-23 added and removed stuff bc it do match with the story I'm writing rnn)

(3 finally woke up after Meggy and Mario taser him)
3- ugh we're am? Isn't this Meggy a old house?
Smg4- 3! You finally woke up after two hours!
3-what happened?
4-well when you we're getting eggdog from outside Meggy and Mario taser you thinking you were me trying to escape😅
3- stupid bastards😒
Smg3 pov- that wasn't part of the plan ( you'll get it later)
3-hey talking about eggdog we're is he?
4-look next to you.
(3 looked right next to 4 and saw eggdog worried that something bad happened to 3 so eggdog fell asleep next to him)
3- thank god he's here if I left him
This your friends they would had killed him
4-that's not tru- ( before 4 finished his sentence he released Mario could easily kill him but thinking he's a regular egg
4- forget what I just said they could kill him
3-exactly my point
( got his phone of the bed and sat up to call Meggy that 3 woke up)
3- what are you doing?
4-I'm going to tell Meggy you woke up
3- oh okay
(4 calles Meggy)

Video call 12:30am
Meggy- hey 4 did 3 wake up?
(3  snatched 4 phone out of his hands)
4- Hey-( 3 started to talk about what happened to him you could tell he was really upset)
3-yeah after you and Mario tased him thinking it was me😒
3- I swear when I get out I'm going to kill you and Mario
Meggy-please no it was just an accident I swear we meant to fase you-
(4 snatched his phone back from 3)
4- so what I can tell that your saying is that you and Mario wanted to tase me for fun?
Meggy- well...
(3 jumped he hasn't seen 4 mad sense what happened three months ago)
Meggy- look 4 we just wanted to pull a prank on you
4-by what tasing me!? You tased 3 instead. You already "accidentally"
(4 was going to yell at Meggy even more but 3 got 4s phone and hung up)
(4 sat down with 3 and eggdog on the bed looking all frustrated)
3-what was that about?
4- I got way too pissed of with Meg-
3- I know that but I haven't heard you scream sence yk what happened
4- oh sorry i guess i kind lost it when talking to Meggy
( 3 mumbled more like yelling at her)
3 spoke up anyways all we have been doing all day is laying here let's go explore!
4- okay fine😒
(They look around there was only two doors one led to the bedroom were they were at and the other on led to the restroom / it had marble counters and tiles and looked expensive) they went back to the room because 3 wanted to play with eggdog.
(When they walked into the room they saw that they had a balcony)
4- was that there before?
3- idk dude I passed out for two hours so I don't remember
4- oh right forgot
3- you have more memory loss then I do
4- hey no i dont!
3- yeah you do!
4- Whatever 😒
(Let's just say they can't escape by jumping out because it's like on the 7th floor and also I don't wanna end it yet)
(4 got his phone at took a picture of the moon with three)
3- hey 4 did you finish editing your video
( he ran to the bed and sat down and opened his laptop) 3 sat down on the couch with eggdog and scrolled threw memetok (smg4 Vision of TikTok ig😃) two hours passed by 3 Goes back back into the bed room and sees 4 have asleep and half awake 3 takes 4s computer
4-hey what was that for?
3- we have to go to bed it's 2:30 am
4- fine but can i at least save my work?
3- fine, but after you have to go to sleep
4-fine whatever
( 4 saves his progress and goes to lay down next to 3)
4- night 3
3- night 4
( 3 hugs 4 and 4 hugs him back)
4 pov: I never expected 3 to act like this.....he's so adorable
( 4 fell asleep thinking on how cute 3 is acting around him)
3 turned around to see 4 sleeping
Smg3 pov- okay i thinks he's sleeping now
( 3 stands up from the bed and Goes to the kitchen and calls Meggy)
Meggy- did my acting work?
3- yeah it did thanks Meggy for letting this happen
Meggy- yeah what ever anything for you two love birds
3- yeah whatever.

Arthur's note
Twist! I really don't like writing twists tbh
Anyways I made this story more shorter than I expected I cut off a lot of words because it didn't make sense to the story right now our first day of summer school started today and it sucked 😒 like always thank you for reading this story 🫶

885 words!

Thanks again! (ON HIATUS)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt