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She hold her head tightly it's excruciating everything started to blur, Ryu loses her consciousness on spot, she don't know someone recorded last conversation of ryu and jimin. She smirked in victory.

"Maybe last day of freedom butterfly?or not?" She said while smirking evily.
Ryu was unconsciously laying on Glebe...

She left from there leaving ryu on cold glebe with dust. Nobody saw her, she was laying.


"Hyung" taehyung frustratedly called his brother

"How's this fucking possible" namjoon said while messaging his temples

"How you guys can be so careless? do whatever make security tight" seokjin said while gritting his teeth, he is soft man but only for his family.

"But who have Audacity to mess up with kims?" Taehyung said, both older brothers looked at younger one, indeed it's true who the hell have audacity to mess up with kims.

Nobody tried to hack the main system of kims, as there all projects even new projects are safely secured as well as crucial information.

"But nobody called us for blackmailing and nothing came out infront of world" namjoon said, and now both jin and taehyung looked at him.

Three were sitting in kim empires solving the matter who hacked there system for 7 minutes. There system was totally been secured by world's best hacker nobody can hack it except the person who made or taught them.

This was suspicious for kim brothers and they are frustrated if information got leak then nobody can save kim empires by destroying

"Did you find any trance?" Taehyung asked while looking at documents, reading them carefully how hacker smoothly did everything without lefting any trance.

"I called him, because nothing is working out now. Only yoongi can solve this" namjoon said, both older and younger brother nodded there head.

So Far As they know he is top 3 hacker in the world. he build the protection security system of kim empires. Kim brothers trust min yoongi more than there life.

"Taehyung what will happen when ryu and our wives will get to know our real identities?" Namjoon asked being worried, because after this situation he is just thinking negative maybe they can be disclosed

"Don't think negative, they are understanding and mature enough they will understand it" jin said proudly, namjoon lil bit relived but for taehyung he drown in pondering

"Ryu" he slowly whispered, both brothers heard it.

"She fucking won't understand hyung, she is really stubborn" taehyung said while tightly fisting, namjoon and jin both sighed because he was right. She is more stubborn but taehyung is no more less, about maturity she isn't grown up to understand everything well as they think.

"You both stop cursing" jin strictly said to his brothers, both gulped and nodded there head.

No matter what how old they are but they all siblings sees jin as father as he always look after them whenever his father wents to business trip or work on company.

There mother left them for another man but siblings never let anyone to break there bond but for youngers started to break it down and nobody have any idea what happened that night in kim mansion?

Nobody asked why ryu was slapped? Nobody asked why jeenie transferred? Nobody asked where is she now? Nobody dare to lay there finger on taehyung, because he is in control.

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