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Summary: Joshua and Jeonghan meet each other daily at Han river, at 7pm


"Hi Joshuji." Jeonghan says as he hugs Joshua, panting a little. "You're again late." Joshua complains but still hugs him back. "Sorry Joshuji I got a bit busy in bathroom you know." Jeonghan replies with a cheeky smile and Joshua punches him at his shoulder playfully. "idiot." He says and sits down on their regular spot with a clingy Jeonghan attached to his arm.

"Hanniee" joshua calls out after sometime. "Yes love." Jeonghan replies and looks at Joshua. In his eyes right now Joshua was looking like an angle. With golden rays of setting sun painting his face, and hairs moving with the slight wind in air. He looked so beautiful. Jeonghan wished for time to stop so he could stare at his love for his whole life. He could never get enough of him. "Hanniee I miss you." Joshua says and Jeonghan frowns, "but I'm here love." Jeonghan says. "But you're not here everytime." Joshua says and Jeonghan immediately turns him around, cupping his face. He saw the way Joshua's eyes brim with tears. He knew what Joshua was thinking.

"Baby what happened?" He asks voice soft. As if he is talking to small Chile who is about to cry. But right now in Jeonghan's eyes Joshua didn't looked less than a baby. "Hanniee I want to spend my everyday with you, freely." Jeonghan knew what Joshua meant by the last word. "I feel like we're doing some crime, some sort of sin, meeting here secretly, praying that no one would see us. I want to be with you everyday. I want to start my morning and end my day in your arms. I want to have a beautiful family with you. A small house, with us and our children. I want Us to be Happy." Joshua says with desperation in his voice. A tear rolls down his cheek and Jeonghan immediately wipes it.

"We will be together hmm? Just one more week love, just one more week and we will go away from here, go away from people who are enemies to our love. Hmm? You trust me right?" Jeonghan says and Joshua unhesitatingly nods his head. "Of course I do."..."then give me only one more week and then we'll go away from here." Jeonghan says and hugs Joshua closer to him. Joshua hugs him back, tightly wrapping his arms around Jeonghan's waist.

Jeonghan knows they are unfortunate to born in families who are enemies from years but he is not unfortunate to fall in love with Joshua. He is happy that he found Joshua. And now he will make him his very soon.

They part ways with Jeonghan kissing Joshua all over his face. He spends a little more time on his lips than other features. You understand right?
Joshua smiles as he bids goodbye to Jeonghan and makes his way to his home. He silently prays in heart for them to be together for forever.

Jeonghan reaches his home and goes to his room, he was walking in Hallway to his room when his father calls him. "Jeonghan come here." He orders and Jeonghan sighs annoyingly. He turns around and goes to him. "I've called some people at dinner be there on time. It's about your wedding." His eyes widen at information. "What? But I told you already I don't wanna marry and I'm not even interested in girls dad." He says voice raising a bit. "Don't raise your voice on me Yoon Jeonghan. Are you forgetting who I am? And for your information you will marry Mr.Jo's daughter and this is my final decision doesn't matter if you're not interested in them." His father says and goes away from their.

Jeonghan runs his hands through his hairs irritated at the thought. He looks back when he hears someone snickering. "What? Having fun seeing me misery?" He asks.."ayy han why would i'll have fun seeing you in trouble huh? You're my little brother." Seungcheol says and wraps his arm around Jeonghan's shoulder. "At the contray I have a really good plan for your and Joshua's run away." Jeonghan's eyes lots up at that. "Really cheol?" Seungcheol nods his head. "But for that you have to say yes for marriage." Seungcheol says and Jeonghan wides his eyes. He was about to complain when Seungcheol explains him his plan.

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