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Summary: Joshua has locked himself in a moment he felt years ago


Joshua opened his eyes as he felt sun rays on his face. He kept his hand on his eyes to block the light and slowly sat up, the cold air of winter hitted him and he again shrunk back in his blanket. The thought of going out in this weather was haunting to him, especially when he was sensitive to cold...

It was mid-winter and his exams were coming soon. He was really stressed and frustrated about that. Moreover his boss of the cafe, where he worked as a part timer was an asshole to him. But in midst of all these there was one feeling Joshua felt the most, the feeling of longing, feeling he wasn't able to let go off.. his parents were always angry on him. They didn't liked the way he still clutched on the past, more specifically a moment, He gone through years ago.

He gets up and walks towards his window, slithly opening it, he slides his hand through the small space and tries to catch the snow. Which suddenly started. He watched as snow faded on his palm as soon as it landed. Winter always reminds him of the past, which his parents wants him to let go. How can he let go it when the season comes every year. He felt like the season also couldn't let go off that one particular day. That's why it comes every year, just to live that moment again.

Joshua had Always believed it to come back. He had his faith, he didn't cared what people thought about him stuck at one particular night. Not at all..he was rather happy that way..at least the thought of it brought new hope and light to his dull life. He walks in bathroom to freshen up for His part time job. Today was Sunday. And Joshua wasn't a fan of Sundays. They were boring and pain in ass. They reminded him of how alone and Lonely he was inside out. They were cold to him, even in summers.

He got ready and walked out of his one bedroom apartment, he was rather happy with the small space he had, that meant no guests, but still his friends found the ways to laze around in the small apartment. He really can't understand them. They are just beyond his understanding. Whenever he says that to them they only answer with, "hyung you're too lost in your own world to realize anything at all." He couldn't get it. Was he really that lost in a particular moment that he never realizes what's happening around him? Maybe he was. But does he cares? No he doesn't. He's rather happy to stay in their- or locked-in his friends language.

He walked to the cafe and entered inside, the bell chiming caught everyone's attention present inside which weren't many tho. "Good Morning hyung.", Minghao says and waves, Joshua too waves, smiling slightly. "Good Morning Hao. Where's chan?" He greets and asks as soon as he stands beside Minghao at counter. "He said he won't come today. Got cold you know." Joshua nods, and fishes out his phone from his pocket.

Joshi hyung💜:
Hey Dino You alright?
Hao told me that you got cold.

Hey hyung!
Yeah I got a bit flue.
But it's alright now, I took medicine.

Joshi hyung💜:
Want me to come over?

No hyung it's alright..
And I know how important this day is for you.
Just take care of yourself.

Joshi hyung💜:
I'll come over at night okay?

Alright hyung.

He keeps his phone back in his pocket and starts to take order. They day went by and he finished his shift peacefully, thank god his boss wasn't here today or else he knew he would've got scolded. And for what nothing at all. He was just an asshole who kept on budging Joshua because Joshua rejected him. He just wanted to take revenge. Joshua sighed and let those thoughts dispersed as he walked out of cafe, saying bye to Minghao he started to walk in a specific direction.

He reaches the place and stands on the dock present there. Joshua has a emotional attachment to this place, maybe one of the reasons why he is locked too. The soft sound of wind flowing and trees rustling reminds him of special moments. The frozen lake beside the bay of Big oak tree brought many memories back...

Joshua felt a short movie playing Infront of him. As everything changes to the way it was years ago. He could hear the song of hummingbirds playing in background, the cold ticklish sensation of snow on his small chubby cheeks. He could hear the echo of soft giggles which resonated the lake, and humming of small footsteps on pavement. He could see two figures trying to walk on the railings of bridge, he could feel the emotions being those smiles.

He sees the scene change into different one where they stood near the lake, he saw how cold water could reach up their knees, he could feel the tingling sensation. No matter how much cold the water was, but the warmth which two interlaced hands were providing was much more capable of being felt than cold water.

The scene again changed, this time he saw two kids, tangled up with each other sitting under the Big oak tree, he could hear their hushed whispers. He could feel their promises. He could see them standing beside with each other in every strom... which came in the form of snow...he could hear the melodious voice calling him, "Joshuji."

"Yes?" He says as soon as he hears the voice, turning around he looks back and sees a small figure running towards him, not him but someone behind him. He stands and watches as both figures hug each other, with biggest smiles on their faces...the urge to listen that voice again begins to slowly rise up, after all it's been years he last listen to it. As he watches the two kids he see the third person coming in his view, it was a lady. He saw how she pulled one kid from other. He could feel the soft hand fleeing from his grasp. "Hanniee." He hear the kid yelling, still looking back, being dragged by lady, even though he couldn't see the other anymore. He still tried his best to reach other.

Joshua saw how the kid who was left by the tree, cried, falling on his knees. He heard how he kept on calling for other, until late. And then he finally left. After that no one came there. No one at all....

He comes out of his daze when he feels his warm tears running down his cheeks. He slowly wipes them and looks back at lake. It was frozen just like his heart. Yeah he was locked in that moment but no one's gonna understand why. No one can feel those emotions but he himself. Yes he was locked in the memories of person he had loved all along. He can't forget him no matter what.

Joshua had been coming at this place from years, at same day they were separated. He thought maybe one day they would meet again. But now after all these years he can feel his hope crumbling. "You didn't came today too hanniee." He says as he broken down in the fits of sobs. "I've been waiting, waiting all these years but you didn't came. You don't wanna see me anymore? Did you forget me? Did you forgot all our promises and wishes? I-I miss you H-Hanniee I miss you soo much. I love you soo much please come back please."

Joshua regrets, he regrets that only if that day his mother didn't came there and took him, only if she didn't locked him in his room for week, both him and his lover would've been together now. He wouldn't have been crying here all alone In cold with no one to comfort him. He would've been happy to. There were so many ifs but none of them was happened. He couldn't deny the fact that there was no JEONGHAN in his life for forever.

He was locked, he was trapped, in the memories of a man named YOON JEONGHAN.



How are you all doing?
I as going crazy over this one, it was hard to write it.
As I have an emotional attachment with this song, so It was hard how wanted to express Joshua's emotions and feelings..
I hope I passed in doing so....

Lastly Enjoy,
And don't forget to leave your opinions☺️

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