Future Snippet III.:

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Lexa's eyes widened at Raven's response, her body even slightly stiffened in anticipation as to what it is she needs to teach Raven. She flashed a mocking smile, not moving an inch otherwise, and she kept her voice down, low and cocky.
"Please, specify; what is it you would like me to teach you?"
"Self defence. Dominating the opponent. See, I'm the best mechanic in the universe, but my leg is fucked up. I won't have myself depend on people for help, and under no circumstances will I get in the way of my friends by slowing them down. I want to be ready and out there to fight, too. You can help me do just that since you're as good at the physical skills as I am at mechanics. Who else to learn from then The Devil herself, right?" - Raven lost the eye contact at the end, she wasn't looking to get back on Lexa's bad side, but with this tension already peaking, she had to be bitchy for the sake of her sanity. Mesmerised by those pair of green eyes not leaving hers, with already weakened legs and wild imagination, she needed to get out from under Lexa's spell.
"Very well, I teach you how to keep yourself unharmed." - Lexa's eyes now wandered lower to Raven's hands that were fidgeting with the electrical panel, but then her eyes got lower and lower. On the way back up, her gaze momentarily stopped at Raven's lips, then she found her eyes again. Her smirk now even bigger then before, with half an eyebrow lifted, she put her hands behind her lower back leaning slightly closer to Raven's ear. - "I will not teach you about fighting for dominance though." - Raven remained steady, though felt as if she was close to an infraction, Lexa pulled back but only just as much to look Raven in the eyes again. With the suggestive tone, Raven couldn't help but think of being pinned, as opposed to her previous fantasy. - "I can't have you dead, but if you want to learn about dominance, I'll teach you how to straddle a horse, Reyes."

And Raven's mind went blank again. Her cheeks were burgundy red, she was on fire, her core was on fire. By the time she realised she wasn't even breathing, Lexa and her jacket were out the door already. "Fuck!" she thought as she made her way to the door as well, making sure it was properly locked this time. Now, she really needed her alone time to cool off and figure out how she's gonna keep her cool around the Commander as there was no way to deny this strong pulling force to one another - the eyes, the breathing rate, stealing glances at each other's lips and keeping little to no distance gave it all away. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" her mind was spinning a hundred miles an hour as she contemplated how she could act the way she's always been around Lexa - annoying, bitchy, blunt, challenging, disobeying and resentful. She knew that Lexa not only could but would keep her attitude and behave as before, because of Clarke, for Clarke. Teasing is one thing... with Bellamy lurking around Clarke, she has always been noticeably bothered and disapproving, and tonight it was just too much. She needed a distraction. But did she need Raven? Was it after all that obvious that her kindergarten attitude to Lexa was not pure dislike but the exact opposite? And if it wasn't and she in fact needed Raven, then Lexa has had a thing for her deep down, too? Or was it just dumb luck that she ended up in Raven's sacred place in need of a distraction whatever it may be and whoever it would come from. With the agreed teaching, however, getting physical would be an entire different story. Raven can't lose her temper or her mind out of lust and want, or anger, and do something or say something she would regret and ruin her friendship with Clarke, too. She knew she was the one most likely to make the first move, and that Lexa would remain faithful to Clarke no matter what. But what's it gonna cost her to keep her sanity knowing that she can't have who she wants (now very well acknowledged subconsciously and consciously), especially when precious time spent with and around her would be extended... significantly?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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