Writer's Note

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Since I won't get a second chance to make a great first impression, that and time being irretrievable, I'll publish my work so that it's content adds value to your life, maybe even create a Spotify playlist for some further emotional enhancement whilst reading.

Please write your comments, truly, regarding whether or not you'd like me to keep writing.

I use writing as therapy to de-stress, live in my bubble a little where I cope with past events and future challenges as I see fit, through the eyes of fictional characters.

I welcome you with open arms on this journey where I've learned a lot and continue to do so on a daily basis as I observe the world from multiple angles and perspectives, react in a plethora of ways that are either absolutely like me or the exact opposite of how I'd do things.

That said, if you've loved The 100, I hope you find your safety net here, too.

A final note to all of you, Lincoln and Lexa deserved better so they may or may not die in this book - the story goes along the lines of the actual script for deeper understanding of the unfolding later chapters, but it does not dictate each and every character's fate in here. ;)


xx -D.

The 100: ATARAXIA v KHÁOSWhere stories live. Discover now